calimero-project / calimero-server

KNXnet/IP server for KNX IP, KNX (RF) USB, FT1.2, and TP-UART
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USB interface with "ERROR" #6

Closed silviopen closed 4 years ago

silviopen commented 4 years ago

Hello, i am trying to try openhab on Raspberry 3B to manage a knx system. I discovered the calimero project via the blog of which I followed the instructions to install calimero and the installation seems to have been successful, but it doesn't seem to connect to the USB interface.


I updated the file "/etc/udev/rules.d/90-knxusb-devices.rules" with the ID of my interface (28c2 - 0002) but using the command "journalctl -xu knx" I noticed what I think is an error (I apologize if the term is incorrect, but I'm a beginner).

I attach what appears on the terminal after the command, hoping that someone can help me, because I have already given up using KNXD as I was unable to use/configure it.


journalctl log.txt

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

The default setting of Michael's script relies on calimero finding all "known" knx interfaces plugged to your computer by their vendor:product id. Your usb device is found but not recognized as knx interface (therefore, it is ignored).

You can easily specify your exact interface in the server config, located in /etc/calimero/server-config.xml.

Look for the line <knxSubnet type="usb" medium="tp1"/>.

Since your usb device's ID is 28c2:0002 and is named zennio, you can either modify the line to <knxSubnet type="usb" medium="tp1">28c2:0002</knxSubnet> or to <knxSubnet type="usb" medium="tp1">zennio</knxSubnet>.

Also (not necessary), in the script, in lines 74 and 76, you can change "release/2.4" to "master". I will add your knx interface to the known interfaces in the master branch, so next time you run the script it will be detected automatically like other products.

Thanks for telling me!

silviopen commented 4 years ago

As I have already written by email, Thanks for the tip, it worked.

In Michael's script I edited lines 75 and 77 (because lines 74 and 76 are just comments on the code).

Did you mean so ?:

# Branch to use 
export GIT_BRANCH="master"
# Build for Tools with master branch failed at 20190612 -> 2.4 release
export GIT_BRANCH_TOOLS="master"

Now I have only one doubt. Like the other user, I also noticed a difference in the response times of the system according to the IP address used for the command

time knxtools write 1/1/5 switch on
12:31:20:800 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling - establish connection from / to /
12:31:20:829 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling - connection established (channel 7)
12:31:20:836 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt - establish connection from / to /
12:31:22:871 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt - connection established (channel 8)
write to 1/1/5 successful
12:31:25:505 INFO calimero.process.communication - detached from link
12:31:25:512 INFO - link closed

real    0m5.662s
user    0m1.730s
sys    0m0.160s
[12:31:25] openhabian@openhab:~$ time knxtools write 1/1/5 switch off
12:31:30:726 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Routing - multicast loopback mode enabled
write to 1/1/5 successful
12:31:31:242 INFO calimero.process.communication - detached from link
12:31:31:251 INFO - link closed

real    0m1.424s
user    0m1.552s
sys    0m0.123s

I don't know if this is important, but I still report it.

For use with openhab, I am not sure which IP address to use for my KNX/USB interface in the configuration file and which type to use TUNNEL or ROUTER.

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

The change to branch master is OK.

In one of the recent commits I added the product ID of your usb device, so in the future when you reinstall the server, your usb interface should be recognized automatically (no server-config adjustment necessary).

Wrt to the delay in response times: unfortunately I did only rarely observe this so far on my rpi, so I am not sure what causes this. However, I removed 2 usb read accesses during the connection setup, which should improve timings. Maybe you can try it out.

The IP address for tunneling is the same as the IP of your rpi ( You can also figure it out by calling the discovery service:

knxtools discover

For routing, you always use the multicast address

Whether you use routing or tunneling does not really matter, choose your preference or what works better.

NB. if you want to reinstall the server, you would do this:

sudo ./ clean
sudo ./ usb
sudo rm /etc/calimero-server/properties.xml
silviopen commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for support. I tried the command

knxtools discover

but there are no files in the /opt/calimero folder

Error: Unable to access jarfile /opt/calimero-tools/calimero-tools-2.*.jar

I also tried updating calimero but after the command sudo ./ usb signals me a problem

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details
> Task :compileJava FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Could not target platform: 'Java SE 11' using tool chain: 'JDK 8 (1.8)'.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

1 actionable task: 1 executed

I don't have enough skills to figure out what to do

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

The cause is an old jdk. The script actually checks that before compiling, so I wonder how you got there. Java 11 should be the default, not Java 8.

Check the output of java -version, does it show java version 11?


apt-cache show openjdk-11-jdk-headless


sudo update-alternatives --config java

You can also simply try to install jdk 11 by typing

sudo apt-get -i -y openjdk-11-jdk-headless
silviopen commented 4 years ago

Nowthere are still problems and sorry for the long message. To avoid making further messes, I try to describe everything I have done.

java -version says:

openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu8.40.0.178-CA-linux_aarch32hf) (build 1.8.0_222-b178)
OpenJDK Client VM (Zulu8.40.0.178-CA-linux_aarch32hf) (build 25.222-b178, mixed mode, evaluation)

sudo update-alternatives --config java and now is:

openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.7+10-post-Raspbian-3deb10u1)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 11.0.7+10-post-Raspbian-3deb10u1, mixed mode)

now knxtools discover answers: INFO calimero.knxnetip.Discoverer - search stopped after 3 seconds with 0 responses

I can't no more command the light. The following commands do nothing knxtools write 1/1/5 switch on

15:54:42:247 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Routing - multicast loopback mode disabled
write to 1/1/5 successful
15:54:43:562 INFO - link closed

knxtools write 1/1/5 switch on

15:55:26:925 ERROR calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling - establishing connection failed, timeout connecting to control endpoint /
15:55:26:943 ERROR - completed with error timeout connecting to control endpoint /
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

the openhabian log also reports a problem

2020-04-26 16:01:37.458 [ERROR] [net/IP Tunneling] - establishing connection failed, timeout connecting to control endpoint /

If it helps I paste here the result of journalctl -xu knx -b

-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 11:11:59 CET, end at Sun 2020-04-26 15:48:51 CEST. --
Apr 26 14:48:51 openhab systemd[1]: Started Calimero KNX Daemon.
-- Subject: A start job for unit knx.service has finished successfully
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- A start job for unit knx.service has finished successfully.
-- The job identifier is 74.
Apr 26 14:48:55 openhab java[535]: 14:48:55:327 TRACE calimero.xml - resolve /etc/calimero/server-config.xml
Apr 26 14:48:56 openhab java[535]: 14:48:56:033 TRACE calimero.xml - using StaX XMLStreamReader
Apr 26 14:48:56 openhab java[535]: 14:48:56:851 TRACE calimero.xml - resolve file:/etc/calimero/properties.xml
Apr 26 14:48:56 openhab java[535]: 14:48:56:861 TRACE calimero.xml - using StaX XMLStreamReader
Apr 26 14:48:57 openhab java[535]: 14:48:57:826 TRACE calimero.device.Interface Object Server - init description OT 1 OI 1 PID 5 PI 3 PDT 0
Apr 26 14:48:57 openhab java[535]: 14:48:57:833 TRACE calimero.device.Interface Object Server - init description OT 1 OI 1 PID 7 PI 4 PDT 9
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]: Exception in thread "main" property type size is 7
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at$IosAdapter.setProperty(InterfaceObjectS
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at$IosAdapter.setProperty(InterfaceObjectS
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at<init>(
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at<init>(
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at<init>(
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at<init>(
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab java[535]:         at
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab systemd[1]: knx.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
-- Subject: Unit process exited
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- An ExecStart= process belonging to unit knx.service has exited.
-- The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 1.
Apr 26 14:48:58 openhab systemd[1]: knx.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
-- Subject: Unit failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- The unit knx.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
lines 2-40/40 (END)

Do you need more information or are you already able to tell me what happened?

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

Perfect, the jdk part is solved. (The problem was likely because you already had installed Zulu and manually overrode the config to stay on java 8.)

Discover does not show anything because the server is not running.

The server start problem is exactly because there is the properties.xml file leftover. --> I typed the folder wrong in my answer: the folder is /etc/calimero, not /etc/calimero-server. Sorry for that!

So the command would be

sudo rm /etc/calimero/properties.xml

Then restart the server:

sudo systemctl restart knx
bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

As a side note: you can of course run any jdk distribution you want, like zulu 11 or zulu 14 etc. It does not need to be the default openjdk.

silviopen commented 4 years ago

Another step towards the solution :-) now the command knxtools discover

gives this result (which I didn't remember before was so long):

Using at eth0
"Calimero KNXnet/IP Server" endpoint (IPv4 UDP & TCP)
KNX address 1.1.0
KNX medium TP1
Installation 0 - Project 0 (ID 0)
KNX IP multicast address
MAC address b8:27:eb:34:9a:3d
Supported services: Core (v2), Device Management (v2), Tunneling (v2), Routing (v2)
DD0 091A - KNXnet/IP Router communication possible
max local APDU length 1400
maximum APDU length: 15
addresses 1.1.129 (occupied, authorized, usable) 1.1.130 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.131 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.132 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.133 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.134 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.135 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.136 (free, authorized, usable)

Using at eth0
"Calimero KNXnet/IP Server" endpoint (IPv4 UDP & TCP)
KNX address 1.1.0
KNX medium TP1
Installation 0 - Project 0 (ID 0)
KNX IP multicast address
MAC address b8:27:eb:34:9a:3d
Supported services: Core (v2), Device Management (v2), Tunneling (v2), Routing (v2)

Using at lo
"Calimero KNXnet/IP Server" endpoint (IPv4 UDP & TCP)
KNX address 1.1.0
KNX medium TP1
Installation 0 - Project 0 (ID 0)
KNX IP multicast address
MAC address b8:27:eb:34:9a:3d
Supported services: Core (v2), Device Management (v2), Tunneling (v2), Routing (v2)
DD0 091A - KNXnet/IP Router communication possible
max local APDU length 1400
maximum APDU length: 15
addresses 1.1.129 (occupied, authorized, usable) 1.1.130 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.131 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.132 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.133 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.134 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.135 (free, authorized, usable) 1.1.136 (free, authorized, usable)

Using at lo
"Calimero KNXnet/IP Server" endpoint (IPv4 UDP & TCP)
KNX address 1.1.0
KNX medium TP1
Installation 0 - Project 0 (ID 0)
KNX IP multicast address
MAC address b8:27:eb:34:9a:3d
Supported services: Core (v2), Device Management (v2), Tunneling (v2), Routing (v2)
17:58:38:152 INFO calimero.knxnetip.Discoverer - search stopped after 3 seconds with 4 responses

But knxtools write 1/1/5 switch on does not produce any results yet even if the messages would indicate otherwise :-(

18:15:09:997 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Routing - multicast loopback mode disabled
write to 1/1/5 successful
18:15:11:307 INFO - link closed
silviopen commented 4 years ago

As a side note: you can of course run any jdk distribution you want, like zulu 11 or zulu 14 etc. It does not need to be the default openjdk.

Here I demonstrate all my inexperience. Can I delete the other versions of java that are not needed (and above all: how can I verify what the other versions are for)?

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

The discovery result shows two things:

  1. the server is discoverable from a remote host (via the server IP and locally using the loopback (, that's why there is for example "Using at eth0"
  2. the server supports KNXnet/IP v2 (that's the longer search response, it shows a little bit more info) because that is useful for newer protocol versions

That's why there are 4 entries in total, but it's always the same server (I might condense the output in the future, it's somewhat verbose).

Re knxtools: the output says that the client is OK with it. So I would check what the server says. For example, if you do in one terminal this:

journalctl -f -u knx -n 5000 -o short-precise

and then do the knxtools write, what does the server say (not the old log output, just the new one)?

Re older Java versions: in general you can always delete older versions (unless you have a specific application that requires a specific java version to run; for java 8 that might be stuff that is > 2 years old and was not updated yet). Just using Java 11/12/13 should be quite safe.

silviopen commented 4 years ago

with journalctl -f -u knx -n 5000 -o short-precise I get this looped continuously (I stopped it with ctrl + c)

Apr 26 19:25:21.707398 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:707 DEBUG - execute scheduled connect 81 (no max)
Apr 26 19:25:21.723530 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:723 DEBUG calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - extracting USB device strings, javax.usb.UsbPlatformException: USB error 3: Can't open device Bus 001 Device 004: ID 28c2:0002: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Apr 26 19:25:21.724833 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:723 INFO calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - Bus 001 Device 004: ID 28c2:0002
Apr 26 19:25:21.724833 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:724 TRACE calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - Interface USB interface 00, setting 0
Apr 26 19:25:21.724833 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:724 TRACE calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - EP 1 OUT
Apr 26 19:25:21.727583 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:724 TRACE calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - EP 2 IN
Apr 26 19:25:21.727583 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:725 DEBUG calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - Found USB device endpoint addresses OUT 0x1, IN 0x82
Apr 26 19:25:21.729738 openhab java[5277]: 19:25:21:728 WARN - connection attempt 81: open USB connection '28c2:0002' (USB error 3: Can't open device Bus 001 Device 004: ID 28c2:0002: Access denied (insufficient permissions))
bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago


open USB connection '28c2:0002' (USB error 3: Can't open device Bus 001 Device 004: ID 28c2:0002: Access denied (insufficient permissions)

is Linux access permissions. The user you run the server with does not have permission to open the usb interface.

silviopen commented 4 years ago

I confess that I have no idea how to solve this other problem...

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

If you look at udev rules at /etc/udev/rules.d/90-knxusb-devices.rules there should already be some knx rules for usb interfaces. Check if your usb interface is listed (the vendor:product stuff). Otherwise add a line with it (then log out/in, maybe restart server).

silviopen commented 4 years ago

Okay, I updated the 90-knxusb-devices.rules file even though I had already done it a couple of times when I first installed Calimero.

Now I can see telegrams on bus (the output don't stop, I've used an other ssh connection to give the command) and at the center you can see the light at 1/1/5) but the command knxtools write 1/1/5 switch on it has no effect on real light.

Apr 26 20:00:08.432597 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:431 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 2.2.201->1/3/57 to all server-side connections
Apr 26 20:00:08.432597 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:432 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 11 29 00 bc d0 22 c9 0b 39 01 00 80
Apr 26 20:00:08.434309 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:433 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP routing service 2.2.201->1/3/57 L_Data.ind, low priority hop count 5, tpdu 00 80
Apr 26 20:00:08.434309 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:433 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 2.2.201->1/3/57: T_Group, A_Group.write
Apr 26 20:00:08.434309 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:433 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - cannot dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0, no network link (null)
Apr 26 20:00:08.435604 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:434 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 235, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 1) 06 10 04 20 00 15 04 01 eb 00 29 00 bc d0 22 c9 0b 39 01 00 80
Apr 26 20:00:08.436280 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:436 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 235 from / (channel 1)
Apr 26 20:00:08.436832 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:436 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatching to KNX subnets: exclude subnet usb-1.1.0

Apr 26 20:00:08.612783 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:612 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP routing service 0.0.0->1/1/5 L_Data.ind, low priority hop count 6, tpdu 00 81
Apr 26 20:00:08.613360 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:612 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 0.0.0->1/1/5: T_Group, A_Group.write

Apr 26 20:00:08.613360 openhab java[543]: 20:00:08:612 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - cannot dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0, no network link (null)
Apr 26 20:00:09.106453 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:106 TRACE calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - EP 2 IN I/O request 0113150008000d010300002900bce022c90b3303008007bc
Apr 26 20:00:09.106453 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:106 DEBUG calimero.usb.28c2:0002 - received cEMI frame 2900bce022c90b3303008007bc
Apr 26 20:00:09.107619 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:106 DEBUG - indication 2.2.201->1/3/51 L_Data.ind, low priority hop count 6, tpdu 00 80 07 bc
Apr 26 20:00:09.107619 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:107 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - KNX subnet usb-1.1.0: 2.2.201->1/3/51 L_Data.ind, low priority hop count 6, tpdu 00 80 07 bc
Apr 26 20:00:09.107619 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:107 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 2.2.201->1/3/51: T_Group, A_Group.write
Apr 26 20:00:09.108675 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:107 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 2.2.201->1/3/51 to all server-side connections
Apr 26 20:00:09.108675 openhab java[543]: 20:00:09:108 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 13 29 00 bc d0 22 c9 0b 33 03 00 80 07 bc
bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

OK, now the access permissions are good. I see in the log that the link is not initialized.

What if you try the tunneling mode, like this:

knxtools write 1/1/5 switch on

If that does not work, what does the log show if you restart the server. There has to be a warning or error.

silviopen commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what happened, but after giving sudo systemctl restart knxit's working! Yet I am convinced that I have restarted the raspberry to be sure that everything started again.

I have verified that with IP it takes a little more time (4/5 sec.), instead with it is faster (about 1 sec.). It also works perfectly from UI (via browser and APP).

Now I'll do another backup of the SD in order to have the most recent restore point :-)

At this point I am satisfied, because my goal was to have a functioning graphical interface to manage the system. I need help to remove useless version of Java but it's off topic.

If you think you need to do anything else, just tell me. I can only thank you @bmalinowsky for the extreme willingness to help a noob and congratulations for the great competence (and patience).

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the kind words!

You can remove a jdk with a command starting like this:

sudo apt remove zulu...

Try auto-complete on the zulu part, I don't know the exact name of your distribution. I guess it starts with zulu8?

Wrt the script, I will look at it and see if some of the quirks you observed can be smoothed out in the repo of the author, so that anyone benefits.

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

Btw. that unicast connections (i.e., IP take a little longer is normal, because the protocol is actually establishing a connection (the delay is the initial setup). Multicast ( is using a connection-less protocol.

With a remote gui or web-app you probably won't notice the difference that much (in comparison to a single knxtools write) because the connection is usually established and kept open.

The improvement I was hoping to see was the reduction of the quite obscure initial delay (2 seconds) as you observed in

12:31:20:836 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt - establish connection from / to /
12:31:22:871 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt - connection established (channel 8)
silviopen commented 4 years ago

You can remove a jdk with a command starting like this:

sudo apt remove zulu...

Try auto-complete on the zulu part, I don't know the exact name of your distribution. I guess it starts with zulu8?

Yes It is. Tomorrow morning I will try ;-)

silviopen commented 4 years ago

With a remote gui or web-app you probably won't notice the difference that much (in comparison to a single knxtools write) because the connection is usually established and kept open.

I don't understand the technical details but I can tell you that from the UI it's practically immediate, compared to the few seconds of the command from the terminal and for now it's enough for me. If I have to check any parameters, please tell me