calintat / explorer

Android file manager
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Delete-all mishappenings with SE Text Editor and SwiftKey #6

Closed Dxhs closed 5 years ago

Dxhs commented 5 years ago

When using the SE Text Editor to edit raw text files with the SwiftKey keyboard, which has a swipe to left from anywhere feature to delete a whole word backwards (similar to ctrl+backspace on PC), the whole document gets deleted from the caret's current position to the beginning of the document. This is a hassle, as I'm quite used to the SwiftKey feature... I only have this problem with SE Text Editor, so I thought it worth mentioning.

calintat commented 5 years ago

This doesn't sound like a problem with Explorer. Could you please elaborate?

Dxhs commented 5 years ago

No, it's not a problem with the Explorer, but the SE Text Editor that is bundled, among others, with the explorer. Have I posted in the wrong place?

calintat commented 5 years ago

No text editor is bundled with Explorer. Perhaps you’re referring to a different app.

Dxhs commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry. I followed the Play Store link, and I was indeed referring to another app. Thanks for the quick response anyway.