calintat / explorer

Android file manager
Apache License 2.0
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Error in launching application. #7

Open hassanrazadev opened 5 years ago

hassanrazadev commented 5 years ago

Hello! I found this app very useful and after downloading I configure it in my Android Studio. After Successful build when I launch application I got following errors. Log-cat given: 11-01 15:47:26.871 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:26.871 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:29.063 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:29.063 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:29.894 981-981/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 15:47:29.894 981-981/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 15:47:31.295 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:31.295 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:45.960 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:47:46.981 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:46.981 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:55.969 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:55.969 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:57.110 1189-1189/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 15:47:57.110 1189-1189/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 15:47:58.172 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:47:58.172 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:02.276 32317-32317/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: download_manager 11-01 15:48:02.276 32317-32317/? E/LG_WORLD: [LG_WORLD] query error : no such table: download_manager (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, id, status, package_name FROM download_manager WHERE (package_name= 'com.calintat.explorer') 11-01 15:48:02.306 1312-1312/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 15:48:02.306 1312-1312/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 15:48:02.716 1501-1501/com.calintat.explorer E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:48:02.996 1501-1501/com.calintat.explorer E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.calintat.explorer, PID: 1501 android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #1: Error inflating class android.widget.RelativeLayout at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView( at at android.view.LayoutInflater.onCreateView( at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag( at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( at com.calintat.explorer.recycler.Adapter.onCreateViewHolder( at com.calintat.explorer.recycler.Adapter.onCreateViewHolder( at$Adapter.createViewHolder( at$Recycler.tryGetViewHolderForPositionByDeadline( at$Recycler.getViewForPosition( at$Recycler.getViewForPosition( at$ at at at at at at at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performLayout( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal( at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ at androi 11-01 15:48:03.367 32317-32317/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: download_manager 11-01 15:48:03.387 32317-32317/? E/LG_WORLD: [LG_WORLD] query error : no such table: download_manager (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, id, status, package_name FROM download_manager WHERE (package_name= 'com.calintat.explorer') 11-01 15:48:03.547 32317-32317/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: download_manager 11-01 15:48:03.547 32317-32317/? E/LG_WORLD: [LG_WORLD] query error : no such table: download_manager (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, id, status, package_name FROM download_manager WHERE (package_name= 'com.calintat.explorer') 11-01 15:48:03.647 1344-893/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:03.707 1344-893/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:03.707 1344-893/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:03.717 1344-893/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:03.817 1591-1638/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$TaskDescription', referenced from method aeS.a 11-01 15:48:04.257 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:04.257 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:05.899 1435-1685/? E/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGUnreadLgeEmailsBadge: []Could not get cursor from provider for 11-01 15:48:05.909 1435-1435/? E/[LGHome]NumberBadge: []MSG_RESPOND_RESULT_FROM_PROVIDER_FAILED 11-01 15:48:06.009 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 202 11-01 15:48:06.970 1344-1635/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:07.380 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:07.380 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:12.445 902-916/? E/WindowManager: Starting window AppWindowToken{43fdb0b0 token=Token{4316ea78 ActivityRecord{42156008 u0 com.calintat.explorer/.activities.MainActivity t223}}} timed out 11-01 15:48:13.857 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:13.857 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:16.109 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:16.109 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:16.940 1780-1780/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$Builder', referenced from method com.lody.virtual.client.core.VirtualCore.createShortcut 11-01 15:48:17.030 1780-1780/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$TaskDescription', referenced from method$ 11-01 15:48:17.150 1780-1780/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method com.lody.virtual.client.fixer.ContextFixer.fixContext 11-01 15:48:29.542 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:29.542 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:31.784 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:31.784 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:35.998 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 215 11-01 15:48:35.998 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: LCD BR: step alarm cleared. broadcast ACTION_THERMALDAEMON_RESTORE_BR : 45.0 11-01 15:48:43.045 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:43.045 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:45.798 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:48:51.934 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:51.934 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:55.698 1344-29684/? E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 11-01 15:48:55.938 1344-1635/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:55.948 1344-1635/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:55.948 1344-1635/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:55.948 1344-1635/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:48:56.428 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:56.428 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:58.661 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:48:58.661 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:05.387 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:05.387 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:07.619 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:07.619 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:08.110 1344-733/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:49:10.302 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:10.302 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:13.065 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:13.065 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:25.537 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:25.537 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:29.501 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:29.501 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:32.253 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:32.253 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:34.495 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:34.495 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:38.630 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:38.630 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:41.212 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:41.212 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:45.646 902-902/? E/lightsbindercall: virtual void android::BpEmotionalLedManager::updateLightList(int32_t, int32_t, int, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const android::String16&) : Binder Transaction Start!! 11-01 15:49:45.646 902-902/? E/lightsbindercall: virtual void android::BpEmotionalLedManager::updateLightList(int32_t, int32_t, int, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const android::String16&) : Binder Transaction End!! (error code 0) 11-01 15:49:45.907 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:49:50.191 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:50.191 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:52.433 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:52.433 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:56.897 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:56.897 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:59.140 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:49:59.140 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:03.013 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 202 11-01 15:50:05.866 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:05.866 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:08.098 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:08.098 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:09.329 1344-1635/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:50:16.637 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:16.637 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:19.299 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:19.299 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:26.056 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:26.056 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:32.732 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:32.732 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:34.985 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:34.985 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:43.002 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 215 11-01 15:50:43.002 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: LCD BR: step alarm cleared. broadcast ACTION_THERMALDAEMON_RESTORE_BR : 45.0 11-01 15:50:45.795 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:50:50.650 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:50.650 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:52.982 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:50:52.982 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:04.173 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:04.173 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:07.596 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:07.596 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:10.419 1344-2448/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:51:10.579 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:10.579 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:20.129 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:20.129 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:22.361 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:22.361 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:29.027 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:29.027 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:31.319 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:31.319 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:35.734 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:35.734 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:38.206 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:38.206 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:40.068 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:40.068 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:43.321 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:43.321 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:46.594 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:46.594 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:50.859 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:51:53.321 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:53.321 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:55.873 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:55.873 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:55.883 2616-2616/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:51:55.893 2616-2616/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:51:55.893 2616-2616/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:51:55.903 2616-2616/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:51:58.016 2616-2671/? E/GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 11-01 15:51:58.016 2616-2672/? E/GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 11-01 15:51:58.116 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:51:58.116 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:02.620 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:02.620 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:05.022 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 202 11-01 15:52:07.475 2721-2721/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 15:52:07.475 2721-2721/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 15:52:08.215 902-1093/? E/InputDispatcher: channel '42192648 com.calintat.explorer/com.calintat.explorer.activities.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 11-01 15:52:12.970 2833-2833/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 15:52:12.970 2833-2833/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 15:52:13.260 2865-2865/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method vfx.g 11-01 15:52:13.761 2922-2937/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$TaskDescription', referenced from method aeS.a 11-01 15:52:14.131 2865-2865/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'android.view.animation.PathInterpolator', referenced from method pw.a 11-01 15:52:14.552 2967-2967/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:52:14.552 2967-2967/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:52:14.622 2967-2967/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: download_manager 11-01 15:52:14.632 2967-2967/? E/LG_WORLD: [LG_WORLD] query error : no such table: download_manager (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, id, status, package_name FROM download_manager WHERE (package_name= 'com.calintat.explorer') 11-01 15:52:15.382 2967-2967/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: download_manager 11-01 15:52:15.382 2967-2967/? E/LG_WORLD: [LG_WORLD] query error : no such table: download_manager (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, id, status, package_name FROM download_manager WHERE (package_name= 'com.calintat.explorer') 11-01 15:52:15.503 2967-2967/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: download_manager 11-01 15:52:15.513 2967-2967/? E/LG_WORLD: [LG_WORLD] query error : no such table: download_manager (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, id, status, package_name FROM download_manager WHERE (package_name= 'com.calintat.explorer') 11-01 15:52:15.663 2897-2897/com.calintat.explorer E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 15:52:15.683 1344-2282/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:52:15.733 1344-2282/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:52:15.753 1344-2282/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:52:15.773 1344-2282/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:52:15.923 1344-2449/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:52:16.033 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:16.033 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:16.053 1344-2450/? E/NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=0 tag="network_connectivity_wakeup" trigger=window{start=60s,end=61s,earliest=-5s,latest=-4s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED] attributes=[] scheduled=-65s last_run=0s jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=MANCHEGO_GCM-11717000} :RESCHEDULED 11-01 15:52:16.864 3095-3095/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$Builder', referenced from method com.lody.virtual.client.core.VirtualCore.createShortcut 11-01 15:52:16.954 3095-3095/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$TaskDescription', referenced from method$ 11-01 15:52:17.094 3095-3095/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method com.lody.virtual.client.fixer.ContextFixer.fixContext 11-01 15:52:20.517 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:20.517 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:21.378 3146-3163/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '$TaskDescription', referenced from method aeS.a 11-01 15:52:23.120 902-916/? E/WindowManager: Starting window AppWindowToken{4427dee0 token=Token{4359a6e0 ActivityRecord{4264b1e0 u0 com.calintat.explorer/.activities.MainActivity t224}}} timed out 11-01 15:52:28.866 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:28.866 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:34.221 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:34.221 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:40.687 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:40.697 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:43.200 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:43.200 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:51.518 2897-2897/com.calintat.explorer E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.calintat.explorer, PID: 2897 android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #1: Error inflating class android.widget.RelativeLayout at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView( at at android.view.LayoutInflater.onCreateView( at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag( at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( at com.calintat.explorer.recycler.Adapter.onCreateViewHolder( at com.calintat.explorer.recycler.Adapter.onCreateViewHolder( at$Adapter.createViewHolder( at$Recycler.tryGetViewHolderForPositionByDeadline( at$Recycler.getViewForPosition( at$Recycler.getViewForPosition( at$ at at at at at at at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at at at$ScrollingViewBehavior.onLayoutChild( at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performLayout( at android.view.ViewRootIm 11-01 15:52:52.308 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:52.308 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:54.831 3305-3320/? E/LGEmail: Email Not Started (at query 530)[v:6.30.49] 11-01 15:52:54.831 1435-3301/? E/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGUnreadLgeEmailsBadge: []Could not get cursor from provider for 11-01 15:52:54.831 1435-1435/? E/[LGHome]NumberBadge: []MSG_RESPOND_RESULT_FROM_PROVIDER_FAILED 11-01 15:52:56.382 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:56.382 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:52:59.586 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:52:59.586 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:52:59.586 902-1088/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:52:59.586 902-1088/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:53:00.607 1634-1665/? E/ThermalDaemon: [GPU_MON] ACTION: GPU - [GPU_MON] Setting GPU[0] to 200000000 11-01 15:53:00.667 1122-1122/? E/quilt LockScreenSurfaceView: android.view.SurfaceView.setLockScreenFlag() method is not supported. 11-01 15:53:00.847 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:53:00.847 398-398/? E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here. 11-01 15:53:00.907 1122-3403/? E/quilt WeatherEffect: WeatherUpdateMonitor is null 11-01 15:53:01.117 902-902/? E/AudioSystem: AudioSystem::setParameters()...keyValue screen_state=off 11-01 15:53:01.137 1136-1136/? E/CliptrayService: cliptrayEventReceiver :onReceiveandroid.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 11-01 15:53:01.527 902-1433/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:53:01.527 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:53:01.527 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:53:06.542 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:53:06.542 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:53:06.542 902-4006/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:53:06.542 902-4006/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:53:18.084 1344-3420/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:53:18.094 1344-3420/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:53:18.094 1344-3420/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:53:18.104 1344-3420/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:53:25.000 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 215 11-01 15:53:25.000 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: LCD BR: step alarm cleared. broadcast ACTION_THERMALDAEMON_RESTORE_BR : 45.0 11-01 15:53:36.562 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:53:36.582 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:53:36.582 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:53:41.557 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:53:41.557 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:53:41.557 902-1432/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:53:41.557 902-1432/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:53:46.001 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:53:58.733 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: [usb_cable_info] normal 11-01 15:53:58.743 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock 11-01 15:53:58.873 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: Received file "/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/m9kefs1" 11-01 15:53:58.873 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: 786432 bytes transferred in 0.114s (6.59 MBps) 11-01 15:53:58.873 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: Successfully downloaded files from target 11-01 15:53:58.873 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock 11-01 15:53:58.873 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: Sahara protocol completed 11-01 15:53:58.873 1026-1026/? E/kickstart: [LGE] Reading restart_level is successful!! ssr_level = 3 11-01 15:54:11.576 902-4017/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:54:11.596 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:54:11.596 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:54:16.581 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:54:16.581 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:54:16.581 902-4006/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:54:16.581 902-4006/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:54:18.172 1344-2450/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:54:46.590 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:54:46.610 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:54:46.610 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:54:49.993 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 237 11-01 15:54:49.993 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: LCD BR: step alarm cleared. broadcast ACTION_THERMALDAEMON_RESTORE_BR : 43.0 11-01 15:54:49.993 1634-1651/? E/ThermalDaemon: [GPU_MON] MAX Freqeuncy limited to 320 Mhz by thermal daemon 11-01 15:54:51.575 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:54:51.575 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:54:51.585 902-4019/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:54:51.585 902-4019/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:54:52.616 1634-1665/? E/ThermalDaemon: [GPU_MON] ACTION: GPU - [GPU_MON] Setting GPU[0] to 320000000 11-01 15:55:20.153 1344-3568/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:55:21.594 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:55:21.594 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:55:21.594 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:55:26.599 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:55:26.599 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:55:26.599 902-1480/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:55:26.599 902-1480/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:55:56.608 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:55:56.628 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:55:56.628 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:56:01.613 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:56:01.613 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:56:01.613 902-912/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:56:01.613 902-912/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:56:24.265 1344-3568/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:56:31.632 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:56:31.642 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:56:31.642 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:56:36.617 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:56:36.617 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:56:36.617 902-912/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:56:36.617 902-912/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:57:06.647 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:57:06.667 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:57:06.667 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:57:11.651 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:57:11.651 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:57:11.651 902-4705/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:57:11.651 902-4705/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:57:25.415 1344-3568/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:57:41.681 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:57:41.691 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:57:41.691 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:57:46.025 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 15:57:50.990 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:57:50.990 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:57:50.990 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:57:50.990 902-913/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:57:55.975 1344-29684/? E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 11-01 15:58:21.009 902-1432/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:58:21.029 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:58:21.029 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:58:26.004 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:58:26.004 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:58:26.004 902-1431/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:58:26.004 902-1431/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:58:27.445 1344-3641/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:58:56.013 902-1433/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:58:56.023 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:58:56.023 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:59:01.018 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:59:01.018 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:59:01.018 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:59:01.018 902-4709/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 15:59:28.085 1344-3953/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 15:59:31.027 902-1433/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 15:59:31.037 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:59:31.037 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 15:59:36.022 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 15:59:36.022 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 15:59:36.022 902-4807/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 15:59:36.022 902-4807/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:00:06.032 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:00:06.052 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:00:06.052 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:00:11.026 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:00:11.026 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:00:11.026 902-1480/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:00:11.026 902-1480/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:00:29.825 1344-3641/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:00:41.036 902-1433/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:00:41.046 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:00:41.046 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:00:46.031 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:00:46.031 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:00:46.041 902-1416/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:00:46.041 902-1416/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:01:16.070 902-1149/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:01:16.080 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:01:16.080 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:01:21.055 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:01:21.055 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:01:21.065 902-4807/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:01:21.065 902-4807/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:01:45.959 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 16:01:45.989 902-4807/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:01:46.009 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:01:46.009 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:01:50.984 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:01:50.984 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:01:50.984 902-1149/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:01:50.984 902-1149/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:02:20.993 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:02:21.013 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:02:21.013 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:02:25.998 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:02:25.998 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:02:25.998 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:02:25.998 902-1151/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:02:32.805 1344-4098/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:02:56.017 902-1149/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:02:56.027 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:02:56.027 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:03:01.012 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:03:01.012 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:03:01.012 902-1431/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:03:01.012 902-1431/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:03:31.022 902-1416/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:03:31.032 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:03:31.032 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:03:34.685 1344-4098/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:03:36.006 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:03:36.006 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:03:36.006 902-4006/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:03:36.006 902-4006/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:04:06.036 902-4006/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:04:06.056 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:04:06.056 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:04:11.041 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:04:11.041 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:04:11.041 902-4019/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:04:11.041 902-4019/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:04:36.676 1344-4326/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:04:41.080 902-912/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:04:41.090 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:04:41.090 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:04:45.785 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 16:04:50.819 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:04:50.819 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:04:50.819 902-4705/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:04:50.819 902-4705/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:05:20.839 902-1416/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:05:20.849 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:05:20.849 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:05:25.824 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:05:25.824 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:05:25.824 902-1431/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:05:25.824 902-1431/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:05:38.476 1344-4323/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:05:55.853 902-1480/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:05:55.863 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:05:55.873 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:06:00.848 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:06:00.848 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:06:00.848 902-4705/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:06:00.848 902-4705/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:06:19.976 902-902/? E/lightsbindercall: virtual void android::BpEmotionalLedManager::updateLightList(int32_t, int32_t, int, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const android::String16&) : Binder Transaction Start!! 11-01 16:06:19.976 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer-JNI: QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present 11-01 16:06:19.976 902-902/? E/lightsbindercall: virtual void android::BpEmotionalLedManager::updateLightList(int32_t, int32_t, int, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const android::String16&) : Binder Transaction End!! (error code 0) 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-3173/? E/MediaExtractorHelper: LG-CodeParser Version: LG_CodecParser_R1.0.0.25 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-3173/? E/MediaExtractorHelper: SupportCodecEx : 201 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-3173/? E/MediaExtractorHelper: #### Audio mime audio/mp4a-latm 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-3173/? E/MediaExtractorHelper: #### componentName = 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-3173/? E/MPEG4Extractor: [LGMP4][Audio] stsz - max_size = 30000 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-4513/? E/Utils: AAC profile check for offload 11-01 16:06:20.026 315-4513/? E/AwesomePlayer: LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec 11-01 16:06:20.047 315-19178/? E/AwesomePlayer: LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec 11-01 16:06:20.077 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke invokeId=0x6b950ab8 11-01 16:06:20.077 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke key=0x6b950abc 11-01 16:06:20.077 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: [MediaPlayer::getMediaSystemInfo] key = 4000 11-01 16:06:20.147 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke invokeId=0x6b950ab8 11-01 16:06:20.147 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke key=0x6b950abc 11-01 16:06:20.147 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: [MediaPlayer::getMediaSystemInfo] key = 4000 11-01 16:06:20.147 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke invokeId=0x6b950ab8 11-01 16:06:20.147 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke key=0x6b950abc 11-01 16:06:20.147 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: [MediaPlayer::getMediaSystemInfo] key = 4000 11-01 16:06:20.157 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[JAVA]: Should have subtitle controller already set 11-01 16:06:20.157 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke invokeId=0x6b950ab8 11-01 16:06:20.157 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke key=0x6b950abc 11-01 16:06:20.157 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: [MediaPlayer::getMediaSystemInfo] key = 4000 11-01 16:06:21.198 315-4521/? E/MPEG4Extractor: [LG-MP4P] Error Code = -1011 11-01 16:06:21.648 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke invokeId=0x6b950ab8 11-01 16:06:21.648 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: invoke key=0x6b950abc 11-01 16:06:21.648 1122-4510/? E/MediaPlayer[Native]: [MediaPlayer::getMediaSystemInfo] key = 4000 11-01 16:06:30.877 902-1480/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:06:30.897 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:06:30.897 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:06:35.882 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:06:35.882 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:06:35.882 902-1415/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:06:35.882 902-1415/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:06:56.312 1344-29684/? E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 11-01 16:07:05.901 902-4019/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:07:05.911 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:07:05.911 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:07:10.886 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:07:10.886 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:07:10.886 902-1480/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:07:10.886 902-1480/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:07:40.925 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:07:40.945 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:07:40.945 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:07:45.920 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:07:45.920 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:07:45.920 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:07:45.920 902-913/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:07:48.072 1344-4399/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:08:15.940 902-4017/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:08:15.960 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:08:15.960 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:08:20.934 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:08:20.934 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:08:20.934 902-4006/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:08:20.934 902-4006/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:08:45.749 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 16:08:45.759 902-1416/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:08:45.759 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:08:45.759 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:08:49.132 1344-4560/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:08:50.754 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:08:50.754 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:08:50.754 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:08:50.754 902-1151/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:09:20.773 902-4017/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:09:20.793 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:09:20.793 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:09:25.768 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:09:25.768 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:09:25.768 902-4807/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:09:25.768 902-4807/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:09:55.777 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:09:55.797 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:09:55.797 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:10:00.782 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:10:00.782 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:10:00.782 902-1433/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:10:00.782 902-1433/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:10:30.791 902-1432/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:10:30.801 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:10:30.801 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:10:35.786 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:10:35.786 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:10:35.786 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:10:35.786 902-913/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:11:00.730 1344-4808/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:11:05.795 902-1433/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:11:05.815 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:11:05.815 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:11:10.790 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:11:10.800 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:11:10.800 902-4019/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:11:10.800 902-4019/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:11:40.809 902-912/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:11:40.829 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:11:40.829 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:11:45.804 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:11:45.804 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:11:45.804 902-4017/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:11:45.804 902-4017/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:11:45.944 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 16:11:45.974 902-1431/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:11:45.985 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:11:45.985 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:11:50.979 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:11:50.979 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:11:50.989 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:11:50.989 902-4709/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:12:01.800 1344-4894/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:12:21.019 902-4017/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:12:21.029 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:12:21.029 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:12:26.014 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:12:26.014 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:12:26.014 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:12:26.014 902-913/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:12:56.033 902-1415/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:12:56.053 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:12:56.053 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:13:01.028 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:13:01.028 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:13:01.028 902-1149/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:13:01.028 902-1149/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:13:03.000 1344-4894/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:13:03.510 32272-32272/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:04.481 32272-32272/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:04.481 32272-32272/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:04.491 32272-32272/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:04.501 32272-32272/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:04.511 32272-32272/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:06.043 32272-5144/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:06.073 32272-5144/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method 11-01 16:13:06.123 32272-5150/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method<init> 11-01 16:13:31.067 902-4705/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:13:31.077 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:13:31.077 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:13:36.062 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:13:36.072 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:13:36.072 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:13:36.072 902-913/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:14:04.880 1344-4810/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:14:06.081 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:14:06.081 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:14:06.081 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:14:11.086 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:14:11.086 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:14:11.086 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:14:11.086 902-4709/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:14:41.115 902-913/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:14:41.125 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:14:41.125 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:14:46.120 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:14:46.120 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:14:46.120 902-4017/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:14:46.120 902-4017/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:15:06.650 1344-4894/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:15:16.150 902-1432/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:15:16.160 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:15:16.160 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:15:21.144 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:15:21.144 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:15:21.144 902-1415/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:15:21.144 902-1415/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:15:38.131 1344-4809/? E/NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 11-01 16:15:41.024 902-902/? E/lightsbindercall: virtual void android::BpEmotionalLedManager::updateLightList(int32_t, int32_t, int, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const android::String16&) : Binder Transaction Start!! 11-01 16:15:41.034 902-902/? E/lightsbindercall: virtual void android::BpEmotionalLedManager::updateLightList(int32_t, int32_t, int, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const android::String16&) : Binder Transaction End!! (error code 0) 11-01 16:15:45.999 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:15:46.009 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:15:46.009 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:15:46.029 1122-1122/? E/[SystemUI]StatusBar.BatteryController: []SettingNotFoundException - POWER_SAVE_SMART_CHARGE 11-01 16:15:50.984 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:15:50.984 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:15:50.984 902-4019/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:15:50.984 902-4019/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:15:56.869 1344-29684/? E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 11-01 16:16:21.003 902-4807/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:16:21.023 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:16:21.023 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:16:25.998 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:16:25.998 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:16:25.998 902-4709/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:16:25.998 902-4709/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted) 11-01 16:16:56.017 902-1151/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: _hal_sensors_set_delay: max_freq = 0. unsupported sensor? handle:5 11-01 16:16:56.027 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:16:56.027 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 4 Reason: 16 11-01 16:17:01.022 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: Result: 1, Error: 5 11-01 16:17:01.022 902-914/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_process_report_resp: 5 Error: 3 Reason: 0 11-01 16:17:01.022 902-1415/? E/qcom_sensors_hal: hal_smgr_report_delete: Error in report delete 11-01 16:17:01.022 902-1415/? E/SensorService: Error disabling sensor 5 (Operation not permitted)

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