Proposed Agenda: I'd like to follow-up on the subjects discussed last week including discussing the criteria for student review of source concepts.
[x] Update information on code sets, and our motivation for doing this work here.
I have been working on building each of the code sets for the phenotypes that contain input source strings (click on each phenotype to see a results dashboard):
[x] Do we want to reduce the spreadsheets so that only the rows with at least 1 occurrence in either CHCO or OMOP-MIMICIII? NO, we will include all rows that have a source to standard code mapping.
Develop more formal plan for verifying the code sets
Student Evaluators
[x] Number and type of pharmacy students (n=2)
[x] Number and type of medical students (n=2 third year student past STEP)
Expert review
Formalize Both Tasks
[x] Develop checklist with workflow and example, draft started here
[ ] Time line
Verifying code sets
Resolving uncertainties and discrepancies
[x] Set-up Github-based system for verification, comments/questions and expert review. See Project Board.
I am going to close this issue now. A meeting has been scheduled with Katy Trinkley for latter this week. The remaining un-checked issues above will be re-opened within that meeting issue.
Meeting Date: 05/07/2019 @ 13:00 Topic: Code Set Analysis + Expert/Student verification Attendees: @mgkahn
Proposed Agenda: I'd like to follow-up on the subjects discussed last week including discussing the criteria for student review of source concepts.
I have been working on building each of the code sets for the phenotypes that contain input source strings (click on each phenotype to see a results dashboard):
ADHD (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Drug
Appendicitis (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Condition
[x] Drug
[x] Observation
Crohn's Disease (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Condition
[x] Drug
Hypothyroidism (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Condition
[x] Drug
[x] Measurement
[x] Observation
[x] Procedure
Peanut Allergy (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Condition
[x] Drug
[x] Measurement
[x] Observation
[x] Procedure
Steroid-Induced Osteonecrosis (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Condition
[x] Drug
[x] Measurement
[x] Observation
[x] Procedure
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Dashboard; Code Sets)
[x] Condition
[x] Drug
[x] Measurement
Specific Questions related to code sets:
Develop more formal plan for verifying the code sets
Verifying code sets