calliope-project / calliope-explore

A web-based UI to explore Calliope model results
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Improve default scatter plot #2

Closed FLomb closed 2 years ago

FLomb commented 2 years ago

Currently, 'storage discharge' vs 'heat electrification' is the default scatter plot. Is this the most meaningful pair of indicators to have as a default?

Possible improvements could be (in order of difficulty of implementation as well as of degree of improvement): a) agree on the "most meaningful" pair of indicators and use that as a default b) let the user be free to choose which pair of indicators to have on the scatter, and which others to have as sliders c) substitute all sliders and the scatter with a 2-d scatter (SPORE-plot) similar to what is there in the paper (Figure 4)

sjpfenninger commented 2 years ago

Obsolete as of e275d7d