callmearta / kite

a BlueSky web client
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Dark/ light mode switch on mobile #3

Closed kjarex closed 1 year ago

kjarex commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm just blind, but is it possible that the button for dark/light mode switching is missing in the mobile view?

I wasn't sure where even to expect it (would fit in at view spots), but I tried to check everywhere but couldn't find it.

It's not impossible that it's a browser-related bug, but I didn't miss anything else, so I don't expect it to be (even though it could still be just the only browser-related bug). So if relevant: used Chrome on Android 10(can it be? Phone is 2 yrs old!?) as well as the Duck(.com) browser (and whatever engine it uses)

callmearta commented 1 year ago

Yea it's not a bug and neither you've gone blind. I've hidden it for now on mobile since i plan to do a simple overhaul for it. It'll be added when the new UI arrives