callmemagnus / nextcloud-searchpage

App for Nextcloud providing a proper search page
7 stars 3 forks source link

Design idea / Columns view with infinite scroll #1

Closed TtuxX closed 10 months ago

TtuxX commented 10 months ago

Hello Magnus,

Thank you very much for this new app that seems promising and much needed! :)

Would it be possible to have a sort of vertical view to make a better use of available screen space when using a computer ? The number of displayed apps would ideally be responsive according to the screen size.

You will kindly find hereunder a design idea, I don't know however if it would be appropriate, suit your vision, and (if so) how hard it would be to implement :/

Thank you very much :)


callmemagnus commented 10 months ago

Interesting thanks!

I agree that the current layout is abusing the screen real estate when the resolution are high!

Currently the order of search providers (~ application) is dictated by Nextcloud. I don't even know where that can be changed.

Looking at your mockup, I wonder if I like the fixed height boxes. And if it does not defeat the purpose of showing a scanable list of results. But on the other hand, a button on the top might provide a way to switch to focus on one provider/application results.

I'll dig into it!

callmemagnus commented 10 months ago

Check v1.1.0

TtuxX commented 10 months ago

This is awesome, thank you very much ! :)

It brings few questions/feedbacks to me:

Another idea to make your app even greater would be to directly embed the "..." actions dots that we can find in the Files app for each file/result. That way, the end-user could directly do nearly everything right from the Search page (download and share files, calendar events, bookmarks...) instead of having to load each specific application. The "..." menu could ideally be app-specific by calling each app's typical details menu, but I have no clue if this is even technically achievable and I am afraid of how much of an maintenance nightmare it could become.

callmemagnus commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the feedback.

My comments on your topic.

Preload data to ease scrolling : I don't think the investment is worth it. It also depends on the response time from the server, looking at my setup response time, I feel it's pretty comfortable already.

Back button : Looks like a nice enhancement, I'll create another issue for that. (#3)

Submit on typing : Yes it could but on the other hand, you won't like it if you instance is slow and you mistype :-) you can still use the ENTER key to trigger the search. I'm on the ENTER team (like most web search engine)

X to clear instead of clear button : I thought about that but the clear also clears the provider selector. The more I use it, the more I'm looking into burying changing a little the interaction with the provider selection. Some users will never change it. I'll create an ideation issue for this to remember (#4)

menu on each search result : I thought about that too when I saw that Files is returning a URL that is not the final one (no comment), making the returning to the search page annoying (do twice the back whatever you do to get to the previous page). But I frankly don't know how to proceed because of the way things are working:

Application like Files or Contact declare a provider that is exposed by Nextcloud API but processed by the application. This application just uses those providers. The contract is quite loose, the providing app defines a URL and some text. I don't think there is a way to get the content of an application menu to be display in another app. I don't want to have to maintain hacks to make it work across the variety of combination of nextclouds and applications.

TtuxX commented 10 months ago

Awesome, thank you very much for your detailed feedback :)