callmez / node-webogram

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is it work ? #1

Open alirayaneh opened 3 years ago

alirayaneh commented 3 years ago

i see you repository . and if it work . i want use it for test . and will be happy if help me to make test

alirayaneh commented 3 years ago

[0.032] Api call auth.sendCode [0.349] Rpc error { code: 400, type: 'INPUT_METHOD_INVALID_7234818_272604', description: 'CODE#400 INPUT_METHOD_INVALID_7234818272604', originalError: { : 'rpc_error', error_code: 400, error_message: 'INPUT_METHOD_INVALID_7234818_272604' } } [0.351] Error 400 INPUT_METHOD_INVALID_7234818_272604 false 2 Unhandled rejection (<{"code":400,"type":"INPUT_METHOD_INVAL...>, no stack trace)

Unhandled rejection (<{"code":400,"type":"INPUT_METHOD_INVAL...>, no stack trace)