for example, I have an array like this posts=[4,5,6,7] which I render in PagerView and go to the index 2 means 6
then I add some items at the start of the array
when I set state I lost my current page which is logical 6. I think there should be a prop for persisting current page if I add items at the start of an array
like TIKTOK app, when we swipe up and up then pagination api call and TikTok add more video at the start of an array
Describe the feature
for example, I have an array like this
which I render inPagerView
and go to the index 2 means6
then I add some items at the start of the arraywhen I set state I lost my current page which is logical
. I think there should be a prop for persisting current page if I add items at the start of an arrayMotivation
like TIKTOK app, when we swipe up and up then pagination api call and TikTok add more video at the start of an array
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