callstack / react-native-paper

Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS)
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Icons not showing after upgrading to Expo SDK 50 #4295

Open benjaminkomen opened 5 months ago

benjaminkomen commented 5 months ago

Current behaviour

After upgrading to Expo SDK 50, icons are not showing in Storybook (using react-native-web). Instead of icons it falls back to this unicode square and the related warning is displayed in the console.

The reason seems to be the change in babel-preset-expo, as lined out by expo in their release notes. It seems that react-native-paper uses react-native-vector-icons, but they are not aliased anymore.

Expected behaviour

Material Icons used in react-native-paper components are displayed correctly with react-native-web using Expo SDK 50.

How to reproduce?



Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 12 55 37 PM


Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 12 56 44 PM

What have you tried so far?

Your Environment

software version
ios 17.2
android 14
react-native 0.73.2
react-native-paper 5.12.2
node 18.18.0
npm or yarn v1.22.21
expo sdk 50.0.2
PavelPolyakov commented 5 months ago

Thank you for creating the issue. I experience the same with import Ionicons from "@expo/vector-icons/Ionicons"; and iOS. Icons just gone, I don't see any squares even. The suggested fix did not work for me, so I had to revert to @49.

velusoft commented 5 months ago

Team, We are also facing same issue in React Native using Vector icons. The suggested fix did not work for us. could you please help us?

Eliost commented 5 months ago

Same issue here

mattThousand commented 5 months ago

Experiencing the same issue

mathias-berg commented 5 months ago

I also had issue but it was solved by setting containerColor="transparent on the IconButton component. I have only tried web.

karimessouabni commented 4 months ago

same here.

simonmaquilon commented 4 months ago

Same issue here, any fix?... I had to revert to SDK 49.

WillSmithTE commented 4 months ago

Is this only on web everyone is experiencing this? or ios/android too?

mazshakibaii commented 4 months ago

I'm experiencing this on iOS too.

FloKla commented 4 months ago

I'm experiencing this on Web too since updating to expo 50

AnjanaDhakal commented 3 months ago

i am experiencing on android..

willstepp commented 3 months ago

We just upgraded our app from Expo 49 to Expo 50, encountered this issue on web, but the tempfix proposed by @benjaminkomen did work 👍 (if relevant, we are using Material Theme version 2)

drcodemonster commented 3 months ago

@benjaminkomen thanks for the clue.. I slightly changed your code and it works!! For those having similar issue edit your babel.congif.js file as this one:

module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
    plugins: [
          alias: {
            '@': './src',
            'react-native-vector-icons': '@expo/vector-icons',
    env: {
      production: {
        plugins: ['react-native-paper/babel'],
pedrolmsin commented 3 months ago

I'm experiencing this problem with all the react-native-paper components, when I generate my iOS build with the EAS CLI all the icons are a square in place, I've tried the solutions presented above and nothing has worked, has anyone found another solution?

pedrolmsin commented 3 months ago

For those who are experiencing the same issue, my icons didn't appear when I used EAS to generate my iOS build, I had to change api.cache(true) to api.cache(false), then the icons started to appear in the iOS build, my babel.conf was as follows:

module.exports = function(api) { api.cache(false); return { presets: ['babel-preset-expo'], plugins: [ [ 'babel-plugin-module-resolver', { alias: { 'react-native-vector-icons': '@expo/vector-icons', }, } ], ], env: { production: { plugins: ['react-native-paper/babel'], }, }, }; };

kevinstevanus commented 2 months ago

any update on this?

PavelPolyakov commented 2 months ago

babel-plugin-module-resolver does not work for me and I still can not upgrade to v50. In addition, when I open the screen with icons I see the next warning.

I'm confused. This issue has some regular upvotes, but it does seem that for the majority of people icons are working. How is our case different then? 🤔

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 19 01 08

PavelPolyakov commented 2 months ago

I did another test — created a clean app with npx create-expo-app StickerSmash and there icons were doing fine ✅

Which made me think that this bug is only present for those who upgrades.

This is what helped me at the end:

rm package-lock.json
rm bun.lockb
rm -rf node_modules
npm i 
bun i

Icons are there — back in place 🥳

Victor-Varghese commented 2 months ago

Any updates?

I tried removing package-lock, and added the mentioned fix in babel.config.js. nothing works in iOS. Icons are visible on android.

upgrading from SDK 49 to 50, followed by expo install --fix

butri71 commented 1 month ago

Has anyone managed to get a working workaround after upgrading to v50? I see icons in iOs but nothing in Android

Victor-Varghese commented 1 month ago


I started the upgrade process from scratch and it worked. Icons was working on ios and android without any workarounds.


npm install expo@latest
npx expo install --fix


JPStrydom commented 1 month ago

Any updates?

I tried removing package-lock, and added the mentioned fix in babel.config.js. nothing works in iOS. Icons are visible on android.

upgrading from SDK 49 to 50, followed by expo install --fix

Unfortunately Expo 51 (current latest) requires moving away from React Navigation in favor of Expo Router in order to support web apps, which is quite a big architectural change. It would be ideal if this fix could work on Expo 50 as well, or if there could be a way to still use Expo 51 with React Navigation.

raajnadar commented 1 month ago

@JPStrydom expo router under the hood uses react-navigation, make sure you guys clear the cache after the upgrade process

Victor-Varghese commented 1 month ago

Any updates? I tried removing package-lock, and added the mentioned fix in babel.config.js. nothing works in iOS. Icons are visible on android. upgrading from SDK 49 to 50, followed by expo install --fix

Unfortunately Expo 51 (current latest) requires moving away from React Navigation in favor of Expo Router in order to support web apps, which is quite a big architectural change. It would be ideal if this fix could work on Expo 50 as well, or if there could be a way to still use Expo 51 with React Navigation.

@JPStrydom it worked for me in SDK 50 not 51

JPStrydom commented 1 month ago

We build without cache in our pipelines and still had the same issues with icons on web. At least the babel plugin fix works for us as an interim solution:

module.exports = api => {
  return {
    env: { production: { plugins: ['react-native-paper/babel'] } },
    plugins: [
      ['module:react-native-dotenv', { moduleName: '@env' }],
        // TODO: [Expo 50] Once the web icon issue on RNP has been fixed, this alias override can be removed and babel-plugin-module-resolver can be uninstalled (
        { alias: { 'react-native-vector-icons': '@expo/vector-icons' } }
    presets: ['babel-preset-expo']

I understand that expo-router uses react-navigation under the hood, but, as far as I understand, one cannot build for web using the Metro bundler (as opposed to the old @expo/webpack-config bundler) without using Expo router.

Is this understanding correct, or can one build for web with Metro without migrating to expo-router?

chriscoomber commented 3 weeks ago

To anyone (like me) with this issue who is still using @expo/webpack-config for web builds (i.e. you have a webpack.config.js file) (i.e. you've not migrated to Expo Router after upgrading to Expo SDK 50), a quick fix is to add:

config.resolve.alias['react-native-vector-icons'] = '@expo/vector-icons';

to your webpack config. This seems to work for me. (Naturally, this only affects issues seen on web.)

cbrusca commented 3 weeks ago

I tried everything suggested here and nothing worked. It's still broken on SDK51. I ended up replacing the icons manually in my navigators with expo/vector-icons


export const DrawerIcon= props => <Icon onPress={() => props.navigation.toggleDrawer()} name={useDrawerStatus() === 'open' ? 'chevron-back-outline' : 'menu-outline'} />

then in my navigation options...

headerLeft: () => ( <DrawerIcon navigation={navigation} /> )

hope this helps someone, I know this issue drove me crazy