callstack / repack

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Android Error when navigate Between MFEs #478

Closed nazrighazi-cd closed 8 months ago

nazrighazi-cd commented 9 months ago

Hi, I am getting this error when navigating between two MFEs.


I have two MFEs which is A and B. Both MFEs have multiple screens.



So, in my host app, I have one screen which list out icons to navigate to all screen in both MFEs. What happened is that when I navigate to screen A (MFE A), D (MFE B) and then try to navigate to screen B (MFE A), I am getting the error, and this is only happened on android devices.

Let say I'm navigating to screen A,B,C ( navigate to all screens in MFE A first ) and then navigate to screen D and back to screen A,B,C, I'm not getting the error anymore.

screen A -> navigate back -> screen D -> navigate back -> screen B = Error

Is this related to re.pack or react navigation?

jbroma commented 9 months ago

Hi @nazrighazi-cd,

It looks like an issue with configuration of webpack rather than a react-navigation issue. With the information you've provided, I think it might have to do with a dependency that's being shared, can you please share your MF configuration in both MFEs?

jbroma commented 9 months ago

I'll check it in the super-app-showcase as you reported that error there as well

nazrighazi-cd commented 9 months ago

Here is my webpack

import path from 'path'; import TerserPlugin from 'terser-webpack-plugin'; import * as Repack from '@callstack/repack';

export default (env) => { const { mode = 'development', context = Repack.getDirname(import.meta.url), entry = './index.js', platform = process.env.PLATFORM, minimize = mode === 'production', devServer = undefined, bundleFilename = undefined, sourceMapFilename = undefined, assetsPath = undefined, reactNativePath = new URL('./node_modules/react-native', import.meta.url) .pathname, } = env; const dirname = Repack.getDirname(import.meta.url);

if (!platform) { throw new Error('Missing platform'); }

process.env.BABEL_ENV = mode;

return { mode, devtool: false, context, entry: [ ...Repack.getInitializationEntries(reactNativePath, { hmr: devServer && devServer.hmr, }), entry, ], resolve: { ...Repack.getResolveOptions(platform), alias: { 'react-native': reactNativePath, '@cd-next-gen-app/ui-components': new URL( '../../../libs/ui-components/src/index.ts', import.meta.url ).pathname, '@cd-next-gen-app/icons': new URL( '../../../libs/icons/src/index.ts', import.meta.url ).pathname, '@cd-next-gen-app/themes': new URL( '../../../libs/themes/src/index.ts', import.meta.url ).pathname, '@cd-next-gen-app/store': new URL( '../store/src/index.ts', import.meta.url ).pathname, '@cd-next-gen-app/containers': new URL( '../../../libs/containers/src/index.ts', import.meta.url ).pathname, '@cd-next-gen-app/components': new URL( '../../../libs/components/src/index.ts', import.meta.url ).pathname, }, },

output: {
  clean: true,
  hashFunction: 'xxhash64',
  path: path.join(dirname, 'build/generated', platform),
  filename: 'index.bundle',
  chunkFilename: '[name].chunk.bundle',
  publicPath: Repack.getPublicPath({ platform, devServer }),
optimization: {
  /** Enables minification based on values passed from React Native CLI or from fallback. */
  /** Configure minimizer to process the bundle. */
  minimizer: [
    new TerserPlugin({
      test: /\.(js)?bundle(\?.*)?$/i,
      extractComments: false,
      terserOptions: {
        format: {
          comments: false,
  chunkIds: 'named',
module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
      include: [
      use: 'babel-loader',
      test: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
      exclude: /node_modules/,
      use: {
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        options: {
          /** Add React Refresh transform only when HMR is enabled. */
            devServer && devServer.hmr
              ? ['module:react-refresh/babel']
              : undefined,
      test: Repack.getAssetExtensionsRegExp(
        Repack.ASSET_EXTENSIONS.filter((ext) => ext !== 'svg')
      use: {
        loader: '@callstack/repack/assets-loader',
        options: {
          devServerEnabled: Boolean(devServer),
          scalableAssetExtensions: Repack.SCALABLE_ASSETS,
      test: /\.svg$/,
      use: [
          loader: '@svgr/webpack',
          options: {
            native: true,
plugins: [
  new Repack.RepackPlugin({
    output: {
  new Repack.plugins.ModuleFederationPlugin({
    name: 'b2c-main-app',
    shared: {
      react: {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '18.2.0',
      'react-native': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '0.72.7',
      '@react-navigation/native': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '6.1.9',
      '@react-navigation/native-stack': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '6.9.17',
      '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '6.5.11',
      'react-native-screens': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
      'react-native-gesture-handler': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
      'react-native-flipper-zustand': {
        requiredVersion: '3.0.1',
      'react-native-mmkv': {
      'native-base': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
      'react-native-svg': {
        requiredVersion: '13.14.0',
      'react-native-safe-area-context': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '4.7.2',
      'react-native-webview': {
      'react-i18next': {
      i18next: {
      'lottie-react-native': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
      'react-native-reanimated': {
      'react-native-screens': {
        singleton: true,
        eager: true,
        requiredVersion: '3.27.0',

}; };

nazrighazi-cd commented 9 months ago

@jbroma yes, I did tried in the super-app-showcase and got the same error. Thank you.

jbroma commented 9 months ago

Hi @nazrighazi-cd,

I've investigated the matter inside of super-app-showcase and found the following solution:

  1. add react-native-calendars to the host-app
  2. add react-native-calendars to shared modules (with eager: true inside of host-app)
  3. in index.js I've added the following just below the import statements: require.include('react-native-calendars')

The require.include statement makes sure the library get's included with the host-app's module and is properly shared with the rest of the super-app. This needs to be done because react-native-calendars is not used anywhere in the host-app itself.

Let me know whether that helps with your case

nazrighazi-cd commented 9 months ago

Hi @jbroma,

Thank you for the solution. Seems like on my app it was because of the momentjs library. I did follow the same step as you mentioned above but still getting the issue.

And for the super-app-showcase, seems like it's working on the calendar page. However, when i navigate to account page in booking, I'm getting the same error as before.

same step as before,which is

booking home page -> shopping home page -> booking calendar page -> booking account page = error.

nazrighazi-cd commented 9 months ago

Hi @jbroma ,

Some update on my end. Found out that the error on my app is because of number of screens I declared in mfe main navigation. I tried on super-app-showcase and seems like getting the same error.

Below is the step to recreate the error

  1. Create multiple screens in booking mfe, in my case I created 10 screens. In the screens, i used the useeffect function.


  1. Add all the screens in booking main navigation


  1. Navigate between mfe screens will return error

booking home page -> shopping home page -> booking calendar == error


Is there any limitation on the number of screens on the mfe? or is there any solution for this issue?

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