callumbwhyte / meganav

A flexible, draggable link picker for constructing site navigation menus in Umbraco
MIT License
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Usability when you have a large navigation #40

Closed NikRimington closed 2 years ago

NikRimington commented 5 years ago

So, we are using this on a project and the number of menu items is 162, As you can imagine this is a bit of a pain when you want to add a new item in position 25 for example.

You have to add it at the bottom and then slowly, tediously, move it up the tree.

So 2 thoughts

1) Ability to add items anywhere in the tree straight away. 2) Ability to collapse tree sections - when collapsed maybe an indicator shows how many children there are currently hidden (or a "summary block" appears saying how many sub nodes there are)

Not quite sure how the usability/functionality of this would work exactly but I do feel it's an area that needs to addressed to massively improved the usability when building a "meganav" type structure.

callumbwhyte commented 5 years ago

Thanks @NikRimington! That's the biggest use case for Meganav I've heard of, congrats! 🥇

Totally agree the current implementation is not really geared up to handling large quantities of data.

Both of your ideas are things I have explored and I think should be done. This should probably be achieved by adding some additional controls on each item.

The UX of this proposal needs to be explored, which is a key focus for v2.0.0 of this package.

NikRimington commented 5 years ago

No worries :-) If you want to discuss UI/UX ideas just shout, happy to feed back ideas/thoughts. I love the package just have to run a custom build of it at the minute so looking forward to being able to use the main one again!

callumbwhyte commented 5 years ago

Cheers @NikRimington, I'll likely take you up on that!

callumbwhyte commented 2 years ago

Hey @NikRimington,

I think V2 / V3 goes some way to fixing this. It's now possible to expand / collapse the tree, at either an individual item level or for the whole tree.

In addition, you can now replace the UI that renders for a nav item with your own that might be better suited for editors - e.g. multiple dropdowns under a single item could be stacked horizontally and side scroll.

Cheers, Callum