callumenator / dabble

A repl for the D programming language
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dub run fails #12

Open kindlychung opened 8 years ago

kindlychung commented 8 years ago

Here is the error msg:

dub run
Fetching pegged ~master (getting selected version)...
Placing pegged ~master to /Users/kaiyin/.dub/packages/...

## Warning for package dabble ##

The following compiler flags have been specified in the package description
file. They are handled by DUB and direct use in packages is discouraged.
Alternatively, you can set the DFLAGS environment variable to pass custom flags
to the compiler, or use one of the suggestions below:

-release: Call dub with --build=release

WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used for the dependency pegged. Please use numbered versions instead. Also note that you can still use the dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a branch instead.
Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
pegged ~master: building configuration "library"...
dabble ~master: building configuration "application"...
src/DCD/msgpack-d/src/msgpack.d(2904,5): Deprecation: constructor msgpack.Value.this all parameters have default arguments, but structs cannot have default constructors.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/container/rbtree.d(831,25): Error: function modulecache.cacheComparitor (CacheEntry* a, CacheEntry* b) is not callable using argument types (inout(CacheEntry*), CacheEntry*)
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/container/rbtree.d(833,30): Error: function modulecache.cacheComparitor (CacheEntry* a, CacheEntry* b) is not callable using argument types (CacheEntry*, inout(CacheEntry*))
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/container/rbtree.d(1464,21): Error: function modulecache.cacheComparitor (CacheEntry* a, CacheEntry* b) is not callable using argument types (CacheEntry*, inout(CacheEntry*))
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/container/rbtree.d(1483,21): Error: function modulecache.cacheComparitor (CacheEntry* a, CacheEntry* b) is not callable using argument types (inout(CacheEntry*), CacheEntry*)
src/DCD/modulecache.d(230,9): Error: template instance std.container.rbtree.RedBlackTree!(CacheEntry*, cacheComparitor, false) error instantiating
src/DCD/modulecache.d(115,29): Error: forward reference to inferred return type of function call cache.equalRange(& e)
src/DCD/modulecache.d(220,28): Error: forward reference to inferred return type of function call cache.equalRange(& e)
src/dabble/defs.d(46,12): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Type*[string]'
src/dabble/defs.d(47,13): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Var[]'
src/dabble/defs.d(48,14): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Decl[]'
src/dabble/defs.d(49,14): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Vtbl[]'
src/dabble/meta.d(20,12): Deprecation: function std.process.system is deprecated - Please use wait(spawnShell(command)) or executeShell(command) instead
src/dabble/meta.d(20,12): Deprecation: function std.process.system is deprecated - Please use wait(spawnShell(command)) or executeShell(command) instead
src/dabble/meta.d(124,26): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'SharedLib[]'
src/dabble/meta.d(174,27): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'string'
src/dabble/meta.d(191,12): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'string'
src/dabble/parser.d(63,15): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Tuple!(ulong, ulong, string)[]'
src/dabble/parser.d(64,16): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Tuple!(ulong, ulong)[]'
src/dabble/parser.d(172,18): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'string[]'
src/dabble/parser.d(173,19): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'string[][]'
src/dabble/repl.d(205,12): Error: no property 'clear' for type 'Tuple!(string, "stage", long, "msecs")[]'
dmd failed with exit code 1.
kindlychung commented 8 years ago

osx 10.10, dmd 2.069.2

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

bumping this - could anyone get dabble to work?

carljv commented 8 years ago

This particular error is because clear was removed in favor of destroy for calling object destructors. ( Replacing .clear with .destroy fixes that particular error. But I think it probably still won't build.