When Friend Request received, a push notification will be sent to the user, and displayed in the Notifications view. Two buttons to accept or ignore the request will be available in the notification box.
When viewing the sender’s profile, the Accept and Decline buttons will show up, replacing the original Friend button.
Friend Request Sent
Once sent, on receiver’s profile view, the Friend button turns into Sent state.
Once request is sent, it cannot be cancelled by the sender.
Friend Request Declined
When a friend request is rejected by the receiver, the request gets deleted in the system and the sender side status returns to no-request, not friended.
Once a request is declined, when the sender views the receiver’s profile view again, the Friend button will become Tap-to-Add-Friend state, instead of Request Sent. Thus the sender learns that his/her previous request was declined. However, the sender may send a new request again.
Friend Request Approved
Once a request is approved by the receiver, the sender’s profile view will display a Friended icon/button to the receiver.
Sender receives a push notification regarding the new friendship, and the receiver’s profile view shows a friended icon/button the sender, as well.
Design & Implementation Needed.
TW to provide visual and scenario description, first.