calm / KenBurns

A little Swift utility that performs the Ken Burns effect on an image
MIT License
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SDWebImage compiler warning #9

Closed nannestad closed 7 years ago

nannestad commented 7 years ago

KenBurns.swift is giving me a compiler warning on line 165 because of the call to the deprecated SDWebView function setImageWith:placeholder:.

Instead use the sd_setImageWithURL:placeholderImage: function.

tsheaff commented 7 years ago

OK, submit a PR and I'll accept it. Which version of SDWebImage are you using? The KenBurns podspec specifies ~> 3.8.1, but the latest is 4.0.0

nannestad commented 7 years ago

For some reason the SDWebImage Info.plist says version 3.8.2 but I can see that KenBurns specifies 3.8.1. I've just recently taken over this project so I don't really know why this is but I guess updating KenBurns to use the new SDWebImage api will fix the issue.

tsheaff commented 7 years ago

Yeah @nannestad better to move forward than to stay on the earlier version. As for 3.8.2, I think it's because it's specified as ~> 3.8.1 which will be anything >= 3.8.1 and < 4.0.0 (locks to major version = 3 and minor+patch >= 8.1, which 3.8.2 falls under).

nannestad commented 7 years ago

I can't see that the pod is updated with these changes: Am I doing something wrong?

tsheaff commented 7 years ago

Yeah you're right. The ruby symbol prefix : was making the validation fail. After this commit it worked and is now live:

Tylers-MacBook-Pro-2:KenBurns tsheaff$ pod spec lint

 -> KenBurns (0.2.8)

Analyzed 1 podspec.

KenBurns.podspec passed validation.

Tylers-MacBook-Pro-2:KenBurns tsheaff$ pod trunk push

[!] Found podspec `KenBurns.podspec`
Updating spec repo `master`
Validating podspec
 -> KenBurns (0.2.8)

Updating spec repo `master`

 🎉  Congrats

 🚀  KenBurns (0.2.8) successfully published
 📅  May 9th, 09:48
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