I WANT to be able to put all sorts of odd characters in my tags
SO THAT I can use tags according to my own idiosyncratic designs
Additional details
l0b0 has suggested "arbitrary UTF-8 bytes" which is a bit more than I'd like to do for this story, but I would like to at least allow:
non-alpha characters in the base ascii set, eg :\*% etc but not/ or @ which require a little more thought because of the potential for hijinks when they appear in a url
Brief overview
AS AN enthusiastic tagger
I WANT to be able to put all sorts of odd characters in my tags
SO THAT I can use tags according to my own idiosyncratic designs
Additional details
l0b0 has suggested "arbitrary UTF-8 bytes" which is a bit more than I'd like to do for this story, but I would like to at least allow:
etc but not/
which require a little more thought because of the potential for hijinks when they appear in a url