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Official API for the NIMBUS Voice Assistant accessible via HTTP REST protocol.
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Remove raw_data_dict reference, add some tests #114

Closed Jason-Ku closed 4 years ago

Jason-Ku commented 4 years ago

What's New?

Type of change (pick-one)

How Has This Been Tested?

python -m pytest

Checklist (check-all-before-merge)

formatting help: - [x] means "checked' and - [ ] means "unchecked"

Jason-Ku commented 4 years ago

Re-ran the tests after merging Michael's PR to install pytests, and the new tests I've written are failing due to something about a config.json. Anyone know what that's about? The error in question:

 with open(config_file) as json_data_file:
        FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'config.json'

Also the other four tests that were previously there are failing since I believe they cannot connect to the DB. Do we want to have pytest running those tests during GitHub Action's run_tests check? Do we want them at all?

mfekadu commented 4 years ago

related to #115

mfekadu commented 4 years ago


You are right.

The NimbusMySQLAlchemy class expects to initialize SQLAlchemy with the connection information found inside of config.json

The GitHub Action for testing fails because there only exists a config_SAMPLE.json but no config.json for security & privacy reasons.

I am not sure of the best resolution to this.

What are your thoughts on the following options:

  1. mocking out the __init__ of NimbusMySQLAlchemy.
    • After all, the tests do not need a live connection to the DB, right?
    • Is mocking __init__ even possible?
  2. refactoring our code to not depend on config.json
    • After all, the file is quite large and only getting larger. Is that a code-smell? Where would we begin to break up the NimbusMySQLAlchemy class? How would refactoring affect the NimbusDatabase abstract class?
  3. updating the GitHub Action for testing to simply run mv config_SAMPLE.json config.json
    • the easiest choice, honestly.
mfekadu commented 4 years ago

More on solution # 3

python code

RDBMS = "mysql"
PIP_PACKAGE = "mysqlconnector"  # pip install mysql-connector-python
mysql_config = {
    "user": "username",
    "password": "password",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": "3306",
    "database": "dev"
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "{}+{}://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format(
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect
engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI)

python repl output

>>> RDBMS = "mysql"
>>> PIP_PACKAGE = "mysqlconnector"
>>> mysql_config = {
...     "user": "username",
...     "password": "password",
...     "host": "localhost",
...     "port": "3306",
...     "database": "dev"
... }
>>> SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "{}+{}://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format(
...     RDBMS,
...     PIP_PACKAGE,
...     mysql_config["user"],
...     mysql_config["password"],
...     mysql_config["host"],
...     mysql_config["port"],
...     mysql_config["database"]
... )
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect
>>> engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI)
>>> print(engine)

requirements for running the sample code above:

pip install mysql-connector-python && pip install SQLAlchemy

Jason-Ku commented 4 years ago
  1. Yes! It is possible to mock out init . I think this is the way to go. Even though the Engine and Pool objects are lazily initialized in create_engine (, init still relies on a valid connection to the DB. For the tests, we would infinitely prefer not requiring a connection to the DB at all, so I think we need to either mock out init , or refactor the engine-creation bit into a separate function and mock that out instead

  2. I think it's alright to keep using config.json - a refactor doesn't seem quite necessary yet but we're definitely due for some code cleanup and optimization. Personally, I don't think the file itself is too large, considering a lot of it is documentation (which is awesome)

  3. This would let the tests get to the next hurdle but I believe we would run into issues in create_engine, as discussed in 1.

Jason-Ku commented 4 years ago

The more I think about it, the better pulling out the engine-creation part of init seems. I think it would result in an incredibly clean init method, and we could mock out the engine creation, removing the need for adding config.json to Github Actions. For example:

def __init__(self, config_file: str = "config.json") -> None:
    self.engine = _create_engine(config_file)
    self.Clubs = Clubs
    self.Sections = Sections
    self.Calendars = Calendars
    self.Courses = Courses
    self.Professors = Professors
    self.AudioSampleMetaData = AudioSampleMetaData
    self.Locations = Locations
    self.QuestionAnswerPair = QuestionAnswerPair
    self.inspector = inspect(self.engine)
    print("initialized NimbusMySQLAlchemy")

where _create_engine is something like:
def _create_engine(config_file: str) -> Engine
    with open(config_file) as json_data_file:
            config = json.load(json_data_file)

    if config.get("mysql", False):
            mysql_config = config["mysql"]
            RDBMS = "mysql"
            PIP_PACKAGE = "mysqlconnector"
            SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "{}+{}://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format(
            engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI)

            if engine is None:
                raise BadConfigFileError("failed to connect to MySQL")
                return engine
            msg = "config.json is missing {} field.".format("mysql")
            raise BadConfigFileError(msg)
Jason-Ku commented 4 years ago

You're not doing anything wrong - it's just that there's no array of expected keys for the Calendars Entity in the EXPECTED_KEYS_BY_ENTITY dictionary yet.