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Create a NimbusDatabase function to handle statistical/aggregation questions #66

Open mfekadu opened 4 years ago

mfekadu commented 4 years ago


Create a NimbusDatabase function to handle statistical/aggregation questions like the following... How many sections of CSC 480 are offered this quarter? How many teachers are interested in Artificial Intelligence?

Examples of aggregations

Key Result

Commit code to the NimbusMySQLAlchemy class in that can generally answer any aggregation question


Relevant Code

How many courses are there in the database? = 178

>>> from database_wrapper import NimbusMySQLAlchemy
>>> db = NimbusMySQLAlchemy()
initialized database session
initialized NimbusMySQLAlchemy
NimbusMySQLAlchemy closed
>>> db.session.query(db.Courses).count()

How many UNIQUE courses are there in the database? = 178

>>> from database_wrapper import NimbusMySQLAlchemy
>>> db = NimbusMySQLAlchemy()
initialized database session
initialized NimbusMySQLAlchemy
NimbusMySQLAlchemy closed
>>> db.session.query(db.Courses).distinct().count()

What is the deptartment, courseNum, units of any course with the most units?

>>> db.session.query(db.Courses.dept).add_column(db.Courses.courseNum).add_column(db.Courses.units).distinct().order_by(db.Courses.units.desc()).first()
('CPE', 494, '6')

What is the deptartment, courseNum, units of any course with the least units?

>>> db.session.query(db.Courses.dept).add_column(db.Courses.courseNum).add_column(db.Courses.units).distinct().order_by(db.Courses.units.asc()).first()
('CPE', 100, '1')

What are the CSC480 sections?

>>> db.session.query(db.Sections.section_name).add_column(db.Sections.instructor).filter(db.Sections.section_name.contains("480")).all()
[('CSC 480_06', 'Kauffman, Daniel Alexander')]

How many?

>>> db.session.query(db.Sections.section_name).add_column(db.Sections.instructor).filter(db.Sections.section_name.contains("480")).count()