calref / cboe

Classic Blades of Exile
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Enemies do not move or attack and die with one hit #200

Closed jeremeriluoto closed 4 years ago

jeremeriluoto commented 4 years ago

Enemies encountered in special encounters outdoors/wandering monsters stay passive in combat mode. They do not move, cast, shoot or anything. Only if characters is adjacent and moving away they do the "retaliation" attack.

Enemies also die with one hit from anything. Attached a save file.

CelticMinstrel commented 4 years ago

This is normal behaviour when debug mode is enabled. There seems to be a bug which enables it by default. It can be disabled by pressing Shift+D in-game.

x-qq commented 4 years ago

I now suspect that there is a bug that with a relatively small chance (1/30? 1/20?) enables debug mode automatically upon save loading.

x-qq commented 4 years ago

I have confirmed the above suspicion.

1) Loaded save - univ.debug_mode is 0 2) Reloaded the same save again - univ.debug_mode is 7 3) Loaded a different save. univ.debug_mode is still 7. 4) Turned off debug mode using Shift-D. univ.debug_mode is now 0. 5) Loaded yet another (third) save. univ.debug_mode stayed 0. 6) Reloaded this same (third) save. univ.debug_mode is now -32.

CelticMinstrel commented 4 years ago

Hmm. My suspicion is that it's somehow one of the following: