calref / cboe

Classic Blades of Exile
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14-pixel high 'tinyobj.png' graphics. #243

Open clort81 opened 4 years ago

clort81 commented 4 years ago

These graphic tiles look better than scaled inventory items - as oBoE rendered them up til now. Contrary to current tinyobj.png, these do not misalign and overlap when rendered.


These are the 14px tinyobj.png sprites with minimal adjustments to fit.


A remastered colors version will be available for Dark BoE.

clort81 commented 4 years ago

Preview of Dark Blades of Exile inventory items. - More coherent colors and lighting. newinven

clort81 commented 4 years ago


new boots, helm, chainmail, gauntlets, lockpicks

TheAlmightyDoerOfStuff commented 4 years ago

I have no idea what this is. Where did you get the "scaled by OpenBoE" sheet? I've never seen it before in my life.

CelticMinstrel commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure where the "scaled by OpenBoE" stuff comes from either, actually…

@TheAlmightyDoerOfStuff Welcome to GitHub! ;) I wanted to ask you if you feel the remastered sheet (below, copied from clort's post) is "okay" for use in the game, or if it would be preferable to find some other solution.

Some background since you missed the IRC conversation:

The tinyobj sheet has 18x18 graphics which are drawn verbatim by the game on terrain tiles and in get/shop views.

However, when drawing these graphics in the inventory area, the original BoE would crop the outer 2 pixels, resulting in a 14x14 graphic in the inventory. This clips the edge off of several of the graphics, especially the new ones that you drew. (The food and money don't matter so much as they're not intended to be shown in the inventory, but some of the others also lost a few rows of pixels.)

Until recently, OBoE scaled down the 18x18 graphic into a smaller space (possibly 14x14 but not sure, might've been even smaller from math errors), causing the icon to be squashed and less legible compared to the original game.

In a recent commit, I changed this behaviour so that the inventory draws the entire 18x18 graphic, which looks exactly the same for the majority of items (which already fit in the 14x14 space) but could cause icons to overlap in some cases.

This spawned the discussion of what (if anything) to do to avoid the overlap issue. Clort's suggestion is to just trim the 18x18 icons into a 14px-high space so they won't overlap, but since they are also drawn in contexts where they do have 18x18 (and more!) space, I wasn't sure if this was a good idea. That's why I wanted your opinion as well.

Do you feel we should:

  1. Leave it as of current master, but accept that certain icons might overflow the space available in the inventory.
  2. Shrink only the largest icons (basically, the new ones you drew). Probably taking them from clort's sheet unless you'd like to redraw them at a smaller size.
  3. Shrink all of the icons to 14px high (use clort's sheet, above).
  4. Take clort's sheet as-is but stuff the original sizes onto objects.png, so that all preset item icons now appear on both sheets.
  5. Something else?

(The fourth option is obviously more work since it would require code changes. Also, while this question is mainly addressed to ADoS, others are welcome to offer their opinions as well.)