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Classic Blades of Exile
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Credits overhaul #377

Open NQNStudios opened 3 days ago

NQNStudios commented 3 days ago

The in-game credits live here: startanim.png


A ton of past contributors are missing from these credits, plus 40 new financial supporters.

I'd like a robust way to generate this image from a text file if there's not one already. At a very low-tech level, this could just be an ImageMagick script we run manually when we need to update the animation.

I also think it would be good to have this animation, when clicked on, expand into its own dialog where a taller viewing window of the scrolling is visible, possibly also scaled up.

CelticMinstrel commented 3 days ago

That's not the only in-game credits. There's also the About dialog. You should add the missing contributors there first. We can later figure out how to deal with this image.

I'm not quite sure, but I suspect it's using the Chicago font? Could also be Geneva Bold, possibly. If it's going to be dynamically generated, the question of what font to use will inevitably arise…