Flowmix is a flexible event processing engine for Apache Storm. It supports complex correlations of events via sliding/tumbling windows. It allows parallel streams to be processed that can be grouped together in different ways.
This version of Flowmix bumps the version of storm to 0.9.2- giving it the ability to run with Netty instead of ZMQ.
Also- an API package has been established separate from Core. Though things may be moved around a bit more before 1.0.0, the purpose is to allow users to use API without depending on Core- meaning core can change we we need it to but API should remain consistent and go through a deprecation cycle for changes.
This version of Flowmix bumps the version of storm to 0.9.2- giving it the ability to run with Netty instead of ZMQ.
Also- an API package has been established separate from Core. Though things may be moved around a bit more before 1.0.0, the purpose is to allow users to use API without depending on Core- meaning core can change we we need it to but API should remain consistent and go through a deprecation cycle for changes.