calumk / editorjs-codecup

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Javascript <script> tag is not formatted #2

Closed flomirtech closed 10 months ago

flomirtech commented 11 months ago

Hello again, thank you for your work @calumk.

Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, everything would be fine if the script tags were displayed correctly.

Indeed, when I create a course, I enter code in your module and I don't put any tags, I have no problems. The content is saved in JSON format in the database. I retrieve it with :

<script>const fd = <?= $fd ?></script>

When I save without tags in the "codecup" module causes the display to become completely broken. Otherwise, everything works really well, which is a real shame.

flomirtech commented 11 months ago

On your example above, I have the same operation. When you want to store it for later display, the display breaks.

If, in your example, I hadn't set :


Everything would have been displayed correctly ^^

calumk commented 11 months ago

But where is your js code that loads the content?

What is $fd?

calumk commented 11 months ago

Oh ok I see now what $fd is

Are you using the cup.updatecode() method?

flomirtech commented 11 months ago

I don't use the cup.updatecode(), and I don't know what it is:

const ImageTool = window.ImageTool;

var editor = new EditorJS({
    holder: 'formation',
    autofocus: true,
    readOnly: true,
    tools: {
        header: {
            class: Header,
            config: {
                placeholder: 'Enter a header',
                levels: [1, 2, 3, 4],
                defaultLevel: 1,
            inlineToolbar: true,
        list: {
            class: List,
            tunes: ["anyTuneName"],
            inlineToolbar: true
        marker: {
            class: Marker,

        image: {
            class: SimpleImage,
            inlineToolbar: true,
            config: {
                placeholder: 'Paste image URL'
        code: {
            // class: editorjsCodeflask,
            class: editorJsCodeCup,
            options: {
                sandbox: true,
        // Ajout de la configuration de la force de retour à la ligne
        paragraph: {
            class: Paragraph,
            inlineToolbar: true,
            forceEnter: true, // ajouter un retour à la ligne après chaque balise <pre> et <code>

        delimiter: {
            class: Delimiter,
            inlineToolbar: true,
            toolbox: {
                title: 'Insérer une séparation horizontale',

        underline: Underline,

        warning: {
            class: Warning,
            inlineToolbar: true,
            shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+W',
            config: {
                titlePlaceholder: 'Title',
                messagePlaceholder: 'Message',

        quote: Quote,

        alert: {
            class: Alert,
            inlineToolbar: true,
            tunes: ["anyTuneName"],
            shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+A',
            config: {
                defaultType: 'primary',
                messagePlaceholder: 'Enter something',

        nestedchecklist: editorjsNestedChecklist,

        anyTuneName: {
            class: AlignmentBlockTune,
            config: {
                default: "left",
                blocks: {
                    header: "center"

        linkTool: {
            class: LinkTool,
            config: {
                endpoint: '', // Your backend endpoint for url data fetching,
                pattern: /^#/,
                target: '_self'

        embed: {
            class: Embed,
            inlineToolbar: false,
            config: {
                services: {
                    youtube: true,
                    coub: true

        raw: {
            class: RawTool,
            options: {
                sandbox: true,
            toolbox: {
                title: 'Insérer du code HTML brut',
    data: fd,
    onReady: () => {
        // disableEdit();
    onChange: () => {

 * It saves the data from the editor, then it takes the data and puts it in a hidden input
 * field
function saved() { => {
        // console.log('Enregistré', savedData);
        var about = document.querySelector('input[name=cours2]');
        about.value = JSON.stringify(savedData);
        // console.log(about.value);
    // .catch((error) => {
        // console.log("Echec enregistrement", error)
    // })

function activeEdit() {
        "display": "block"

// /* It's checking if the editor is ready to work. */
// editor.isReady.then(() => {
//     console.log('Editor.js is ready to work!')
// })
// /* It's catching the error. */
// .catch((reason) => {
//     console.log(`Editor.js initialization failed because of ${reason}`)
// });

With this function, I retrieve my course content :

function saved() { => {
        // console.log('Enregistré', savedData);
        var about = document.querySelector('input[name=cours2]');
        about.value = JSON.stringify(savedData);
        // console.log(about.value);
    // .catch((error) => {
        // console.log("Echec enregistrement", error)
    // })

=> input[name=cours2] is a hidden input.

And if I click on my "Save" buttun, it executes this :

/* It's updating the content of the editor. */
    if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['cours2'])) {
            /* It's decoding the content of the editor. */
            $jsonC = json_decode($_POST['cours2']);

            /* It's checking if the content of the editor is empty. */
            if (!isset($jsonC->blocks[0])) {
                $_POST['cours2'] = '{"time":1665873759387,"blocks":[{"id":"IQzcrAghZ1","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Le cours est vide.","alignment":"left"}}],"version":"2.25.0"}';
            } else {
                /* It's updating the content of the editor. */
                $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $req = $DB->prepare("UPDATE formation SET contenu = ?, editor = ?, date_edition = ? WHERE id_article = ?");
                $req->execute([$_POST['cours2'], $_SESSION['id'], $date, $cours['id_article']]);
                /* It's refreshing the page. */
                header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

In my "< head >" section, I've loaded the "" CDN.

calumk commented 11 months ago

Ok, the issue is probably because you are going from PHP -> HTML -> JS?

You are writing the document from PHP to HTML

        var fd = <?= $fd ?>;
        document.getElementById('formation').innerHTML = fd;
<div id="formation"></div>

It might be that this is where the issue comes from?

It could be that the script tag is being executed because of your use of InnerHTML?

or it could be not being escaped properly (if it is json format?

  $fd_encoded = json_encode( $fd);
  echo "<script>var data = $fd_encoded;</script>";

I might be wrong, but I am pretty confident this issue is not related to the plugin. I am afraid this is related to how you are handling the data before it gets to the plugin.

flomirtech commented 11 months ago

Hello @calumk,

I reanalyzed in depth a question I had been asking myself all along. When I made Githubissues.

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