calvinaquino / LNReader-Android

Light novel reader for android test project collab
Apache License 2.0
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Can't load new novels after reinstalling from 0 #256

Closed VaesinAdaar closed 7 years ago

VaesinAdaar commented 7 years ago

The app keeps saying trustanchor not validated regardless of how many times I delete the entire thing and redownload from scratch...I cannot access any new novels or chapters on my phone as well as it giving me a bitmap empty error...this started up last week when servers went down, quite annoying.

Nandaka commented 7 years ago

They changed the SSL certificate to

Try to disable the Load App Keystore in Settings -> Update & Notification.

CSGOBETPROFITS commented 7 years ago

Yeah this happened to me too. I factoried resetted twice and disabled the load app keystore but it still says bitmap error and trust anchor java error or something

Nandaka commented 7 years ago

can you open the website from your phone browser without issue?

Nandaka commented 7 years ago

Settings -> Update & Notification -> un-tick Load App Keystore.

lyram21 commented 7 years ago

yeah i saw it sorry for being an idiot