calyxir / calyx

Intermediate Language (IL) for Hardware Accelerator Generators
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Reset ports for `seq-mem` are ignored in `reset-insertion` #1354

Closed calebmkim closed 1 year ago

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

If I run:

fud e tests/correctness/seq-mem-dot-product.futil \
  -s tests/correctness/ \
  --to dat --through verilog -v

I get 220, in the "out" value, as expected.

If I run (same thing but thru icarus-verilog not verilog):

fud e tests/correctness/seq-mem-dot-product.futil \
  -s tests/correctness/ \
  --to dat --through icarus-verilog -v

I get 0, in the "out" value, which is not expected.

Does this reproduce for other people?

The iverilog version is 11.0, which is fine according to fud check. Another note is that I get a warning warning:

[fud] WARNING: Unknown option `verilog.top_module' for stage verilog 

when I run thru verilog.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

The warning is benign. Can you follow instruction for debugging compilation bugs to see if there is problem with any of the passes? If running with -p no-opt fixes the problem, then we know something is wrong in pass. Otherwise something is wrong in our Icarus test harness

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

-p no-opt doesn't fix the error.

One interesting thing that does fix the problem: in, when we define seq_mem_d1, we have the following :

  // Write value to the memory
  always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
    if (!reset && write_en)
      mem[addr0] <= write_data;

If we remove the !reset, and just have if (write_en) then that fixes the problem. The reason why this is notable is because the !reset part was recently added in the TDST PR that was just merged.

So I think it's basically that the !reset condition is making it so that we're not writing to memory... but only for icarus-verilog, not for verilog.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Oh weird, that just says that you shouldn't write anything to the memory while reset is asserted. Can you look at the waveform and see what's going on in there?

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

Sure; which wave viewer program should I use. Would just GTKWave (that's one of the ones listed in the documentation) be fine?

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

If you use a Mac, you can use Scanscion too

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

Seems like we're just never triggering the .reset port of our seq-mems; the signal fir the port just says "x" for the entire time looking at the wave forms, and when I add a simple out.reset = reset to the Calyx file, it gives the correct/expected output.

This is probably something for the TDST pass? Is there a specific place in the TDST code where I should look?

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Could be that I forgot to add a @reset reset: 1 port to the memories in the futil file

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Huh, looks like I didn't. Can you look at the reset-insertion pass? It should add that assignment

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

The pass skips cells with the @external attribute, which includes the memories.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Ugh, that might have to do with I think it should be fine to not ignore the @external cells anymore? This would also explain the problem I was running into with #1338

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

@calebmkim I might've missed this but did you open a PR to fix this?

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

I didn't because I read #1034 and I wasn't quite sure I fully understood the issue (maybe we can discuss more syncrhonously?).

However, if all that's required is to make a PR to re-enable reset insertion for external cells, then I can definitely do that.