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Turn dynamic to static #1419

Closed paili0628 closed 1 year ago

paili0628 commented 1 year ago

This pr modifies the infer-static-timing pass to produce static groups for all groups whose latency can be inferred. All the changes are currently in the group-static-promotion pass. I have not put the new pass into the pipeline in order not to mess things up.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Don't yet have time to review but I recommend:

  1. Name it something better than infer-static-timing-new. Maybe group-static-promotion or something
  2. Create a new compilation pipeline where you run all the static passes and remove the soon-to-be-deprecated old compiler passes. Maybe the alias for the compilation pipeline can be -p static
rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

@paili0628 let me know when this is ready for re-review

paili0628 commented 1 year ago

@rachitnigam @calebmkim This pr is now ready for re-review. I've now found out that the original infer-static-timing pass does not correctly infer the static timing for components. In a newly added test case, a component that is inferred to run for 4 cycles in fact runs for 8 cycles. I think we should combine the part of control-promotion (turn a seq into a static seq if all its stmts are static) with the group-static-promotion pass and only infer the latency of a component when its control is Control::Static(_).

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

Alternatively, why don't we just wait until the control-promotion pass runs to infer the latency of components? Currently, infer-static-timing does both group promotion and control promotion, but I think what we should separate those passes out.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

I agree with @calebmkim: the two should be different passes unless @paili0628 you have a different argument to combine the two. If not, can we make it so that this pass only handles transforming groups into static groups and replacing their enables with static enables?

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

Ok, so after digging around a bit, there a few reasons for the cycle counts increase. I've tried to fix some of them (and some tests may fail bc the cycle count is now lower; can fix this later). For the non-Dahlia test cases, I think these changes are enough to get better cycle counts than before.

Here are the reasons I've "fixed":

Ones that we still need to "fix"

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Thanks for digging into it! I think that for this PR, we should at least ensure that the cycles counts are no worse than what they were before. Would it make sense to have @static annotation promotion pass that helps us wrap this up for now and eventually gets removed with

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

Yeah. I think for the time being, especially having a pass that converts @bound annotations into static repeat will help the cycle counts.

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

ok, so there's one remaining test that is worse for cycle count: tests/correctness/sync/sync-dot-product-opt.futil. Weirdly, what's making it worse is moving compile-invoke to run before static-promotion (which was the move that was helping us for other test cases). I've tried to look at the -p pre-opt futil files using the two different pass orders, and I can't figure out why moving compile-invoke is hurting the cycle count. Maybe @paili0628 would know what's going on?

sampsyo commented 1 year ago

Nice digging! It would be cool to understand more, but a @sync-related test case can perhaps be forgiven for behaving a little oddly…

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

wait I just realized the error is actually on the output value of the sync test, not the cycle count.... which is not good. I can try to look into it as well as @paili0628 if you could as well, since you wrote the sync pass. But either way, we obv need to fix this before we merge it. I'll try to work on getting a minimal failing case example.

calebmkim commented 1 year ago

Ok, so after investigating the @syncfailing test stuff, I've found that manually changing the .futil file's static timing so that there is a one cycle difference makes it correct. E.g.:

static<2> group my_group {
      // contents of group 

is wrong,

static<3> group my_group {
      // exact same contents of group 

is right.

Here are the files: zgood.futil.txt zbad.futil.txt


fud e zgood.futil -s --to dat -s futil.flags "-d static-promotion -d cell-share " --through icarus-verilog -v

gives the correct output

fud e zbad.futil -s --to dat -s futil.flags "-d static-promotion -d cell-share " --through icarus-verilog -v

gives the incorrect output.

(And again, the only difference in the two files is the static<3> annotation on the group). @paili0628 any ideas on what could be going on?

paili0628 commented 1 year ago

So I think sync-dot-product-opt.futil is currently broken because of a bug in the original code. The new StaticControl changed the program's timing behavior, thereby exposing the bug. This probably deserves its own pr because I have now dedicated substantial time into fixing this without success. So let's skip this test for this pr and I will fix it in a subsequent pr.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Ah, thanks for digging into it! I agree with @paili0628 that we should disable this test for now (by renaming the corresponding .expect file to .skip) and merge this

paili0628 commented 1 year ago

Alright I'm gonna merge this for now. Thanks everyone!

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Great! Please close related issues that have been addressed by this PR