calyxir / calyx

Intermediate Language (IL) for Hardware Accelerator Generators
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Experience report: dry running the tutorial #1508

Closed anshumanmohan closed 1 year ago

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

This will be a thread of bugs I run into as I dry run the tutorial

(Rachit edits to create a checklist)

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

The recommended Docker installation seems to be behind an installation wall. Is this just me?

$ docker pull
Error response from daemon: Head "": denied: denied

The other thing that is pointed to elsewhere in the repo doesn't work for me either.

$ docker pull
Error response from daemon: Head "": denied: denied

I'm proceeding by just building the docker using the Dockerfile, changing branch to master, and running git pull.

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago
# flit -f fud/pyproject.toml install -s --deps production

does not work as written; it requires



anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago
fud config global.root /home/calyx

does not work as written; it requires

fud config --create global.root /home/calyx
anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

We need to tell them to change directories from



anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

There's something a little brittle about the new fud that has a stage named calyx. If I run it from anywhere but the root, I get

/bin/sh: 1: ./target/debug/calyx: not found

Just a missing step in fud configuration?

EclecticGriffin commented 1 year ago

Need to set the global.root flag in fud to the calyx repo directory. Either that or the compiler hasn't been built.

EDIT: fud seems to not be resolving local paths through the root directory

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the tip! I just retried rebuilding Calyx and configuring fud with the global.root flag. Still the same, sadly

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

The MrXL pedagogical stuff requires no running, obviously, and simulating MrXL programs fails thusly:

/home/calyx/frontends/mrxl# fud e --from mrxl test/sos.mrxl --to dat --through verilog -s test/
[fud] ERROR: `./target/debug/calyx -l /home/calyx/ -b verilog' failed:
/bin/sh: 1: ./target/debug/calyx: not found


Note that this won't work at all in master. To run this, I switched to the mrxl-input-dynamic branch, rebuilt the compiler, and ran fud check to ensure that I saw

 ✔ mrxl installed.

However, this works if I change to the root (still in the mrxl-input-dynamic branch) and run it. So the issue is not with @susan-garry's merge-pending input-dynamic work, but with Mother Calyx. Precisely this issue.

root@23c8369f8870:/home/calyx/frontends/mrxl# cd ../../
root@23c8369f8870:/home/calyx# fud e --from mrxl frontends/mrxl/test
/sos.mrxl --to dat --through verilog -s frontends/mrxl/tes
  "cycles": 46,
  "memories": {
    "avec_b0": [
    "sos": [
anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago


The getting started guide reads:

You can invoke the compiler in one of two ways:

cargo run -- --help # Rebuilds the compiler if the sources changed
./target/debug/calyx --help # Default debug build of the compiler

I think folks will 100% just copy-paste the block of code and thereby run both things. Those invocations should be in their own fenced code blocks, and maybe the meta info there should be in the main text, not a comment.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Updated top-level comment to create a checklist

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

@anshumanmohan some of the problems you ran into seem like they happen outside the docker container. Can you confirm this is the case? For example, if you're in the docker container, you shouldn't have to setup global.root or provide the absolute path for the calyx binary.

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

I tried to do it in the Docker you pointed to, but after that didn't work I did all this inside a built-from-Dockerfile docker container. So, not just inside Havarti. A docker, but not the release package docker.

It's entirely possible that the container you set up as a package works much better! Just gotta make sure it can be pulled

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

I'm proceeding by just building the docker using the Dockerfile, changing branch to master, and running git pull.

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

I see. The curious thing is that if you used the Dockerfile to build the container, it should have configured things like global.root for you. For example, see:

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Just to help me reproduce the errors you got, can you provide a step-by-step for me. For example:

  1. On local machine, git checkout master && git pull
  2. docker build . -t
  3. docker run ...
  4. (within docker) ???
anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

Right, I figured as much. In fact the built-from Dockerfile container is probably a close cousin of the released-as-package container. I dunno, I'm pretty sure I'm reporting accurately but of course I could have gotten lost among all the black screens. I can try again tomorrow but it would be nice if others dry-ran it too.

anshumanmohan commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I cannot tonight. I'm just on my phone haha. And I likely cannot get to it before the meeting tomorrow either

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

Right, the released as package container is the dockerfile-built image so if your commands are failing, then I don't expect anything else to work either. The one cofounding factor could be this setup command we run when using fud for CI:

rachitnigam commented 1 year ago

No worries! I'lll try to take a look at it today as well