calzoneman / sync

Node.JS Server and JavaScript/HTML Client for synchronizing online media
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Voteskip passes with 0 eligible voters #944

Closed Two-Scoops closed 9 months ago

Two-Scoops commented 2 years ago

It is possible for a video to get voteskipped when all eligible voters in the room become AFK, even when the voteskippers (most often only one user) themselves are also AFK. Example:

[Sun May 08 2022 22:36:22] [playlist] Voteskip passed: 0/0 skipped; eligible voters: 0 = total (59) - AFK (35) - no permission (24); ratio = 0.6

This results in long running videos and streams being skipped when the chat becomes inactive even if a number of people are still watching/listening to it on the side.

calzoneman commented 2 years ago

The issue as reported is fixed in (at least, once @Xaekai cherry-picks it to his deployment branch for

In the scenario you described, there is a deeper issue with the definition of "afk" being based on chat message activity in the current code, but that can be addressed as a separate issue.

calzoneman commented 9 months ago

Closing since this has been deployed for a while and the discussion about whether the calculation logic for voteskip should change is tracked in #966