camaraproject / CarrierBillingCheckOut

Repository to describe, develop, document and test the Carrier Billing Check Out API family
Apache License 2.0
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Checkout API: Use Case, Context and BaseLine Proposal #3

Closed PedroDiez closed 1 year ago

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Use Case: Goals and business opportunities:

The main goal is to increase customers’ engagement and ultimately user satisfaction by making it easy to pay for any digital asset (a.k.a. digital_good) via Carrier Billing Capabilites of an OB (Operator). For instance, the purchase of any digital asset while "playing" in streaming (e.g. Fornite) Our customers can enjoy flexibility and security by enabling as payment method the carrier billing.


With Checkout API customers can easily pay with Operator monthly bill any digital purchase in just one-click:



API Baseline

Draft proposal to initiate track. In this PR:

bigludo7 commented 1 year ago

Hello @PedroDiez Is your API proposal coming from an API from standardization organization? In Orange we're using Payment API complying with the OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) REST Payment standard for Carrier Billing. We're also familiar with the TMF API for the pruchase (ordering) part. It did not seems to me that your proposal use any of this standard - correct ?

alabajnaid commented 1 year ago

Hi @PedroDiez, What do you have in mind when it comes to:

Also, the team suggested to add a refund api call coming from the API client, let us know what do you think.

When it comes to cancellation, should we consider PoNR (Point of No-Return)?

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Hello @bigludo7

Get your point. API proposal is a simplification of underlying functionality that can be provided (by interacting with underlying) OMA or TMF Forum approaches. Specifically OMA Interface covers a huge "spectrum" of Use cases.

What we have learned along last years is to have simpler APIs that covers specific USeCases needs and when new Use cases arrives evolve API specification even generating a new version in case it is needed

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Hello @alabajnaid

About refund feature is not included in first proposal as not needed by Use Case commented. I undersatnd your comment, it may be considered for a second phase, what do you think about it?

Yes, cancellation should we consider PoNR (Point of No-Return), when a purchase process is cancelled, new one has to be triggered. That one is discarded.

bigludo7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @PedroDiez for your answer.

So if I follow you, your contribution is based on Telefonica experience and not a standard.

From Orange perspective, we’re using Open Mobile Alliance 'based' API in lot of BUs, so we will prefer to have a Carrier Billing API as close as it is possible to a standard and not create a new one.

This should be a good topic for discussion in our forthcoming call ;) and we're open for contributing.

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Thanks @bigludo7 for the feedback.

Yes, this contribution is based to address use case commented, the design has differences with some standard approaches (like OMA or TMF, i agree on that), although provide a way to provide same/part of funcionality (Comparing to OMA Payment, part of that functionality), and aiming to be simpler for developers.

Understanding you point, from our perspective what we it would not be a good approach is to take exactly "as-is" a whole standard. Just because in CAMARA there are some guidelines and considerations to have in mind and also because it would provide benefit to end developers API covers the Use cases wanted to be addressed initially.

I really think it would be a good exercise to have some initial aligment in "features" needed for Use Cases and after that go deeper into the design of the API

bigludo7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @PedroDiez I tend to think we're on same page on the approach and looking on your answer we have probably same 'golden rules':

  1. Get a Use-Case approach that allow us to define a MVP
  2. Keep it simple (just good enough is fine)
  3. Consistency between Camara API (critical for developer )

I will just add a fourth 'golden rule' - when 1 is defined, look for standard when exist (to not create an new one) with 2&3 in mind.

Happy to discuss this.

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Set this to close. It was aimed to open discussion in the WG