camaraproject / CarrierBillingCheckOut

Repository to describe, develop, document and test the Carrier Billing Check Out API family
Apache License 2.0
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Decision in CAMARA API for Carrier Billing #79

Closed PedroDiez closed 1 year ago

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Hello all,

As known by participants, in the lifetime of Carrier Billing WorkingGroup there have been two proposals:

Proposal A): Carrier Billing (Checkout) -

Proposal B): Carrrier Billing (OMA-based, named Payment) -

There was consensus at the end of last year two move forward with two flavours. However, several times during this year discussion has been reopened in order to have a common single one.

Informative Document jointly elaborate by Orange and Telefonica: cc @bigludo7

Therefore I am proposing the following: cc @MarkusKuemmerle

1.- Check with Markus If a votation can be performed within WG. Contacting Offline.

2.- In that case in which conditions. My proposal within the WG so far would be:

bigludo7 commented 1 year ago

@PedroDiez @MarkusKuemmerle one additional though... as this vote could have direct impact on using (or not) existing standard in the industry, are we comfortable to have this vote only at project level ?

I should confess that I will more open to wait new governance and introduction of the Technical Steering Committee to trigger a discussion there and then process accordingly to TSC guidance.

MarkusKuemmerle commented 1 year ago

@bigludo7 : That could be a good option. So if the group feels that the decision has to be "escalated" to the TSC due to importance then this will be the right approach. And the more as this is a precedent for other API families...

bigludo7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @MarkusKuemmerle. Yes from Orange perspective we prefer to have a discussion at TSC level on this topic.

ShutingQing commented 1 year ago

Should we just choose one of the api, or we can discuss to how can we combine the 2?

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

From our side, decision could be done within WG if there is a consensus. @bigludo7 has indicated from Orange it is preferred to deal with this topic at TSC level.

So, as directly involved participant think there is no consensus at WG level.

@MarkusKuemmerle, which are the steps to elevate this topic at TSC level?

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

@bigludo7 @MarkusKuemmerle given the fact that TSC is not in "force" yet, and probably not in the short-term. We believe that address this topic in the next SC is a reasonable way-forward.

While not having a decision on that and discussing where to deal with it, we are adding more delay in the Time-To-Market for having a clear guidance for any Telco willing to implement a "CAMARA" flavour of the Carrier Billing functionality supporting and enforcing the GSMA Opengateway initiative message of providing a standardized way to perform this functionality.

Really think we also should consider this

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

We, Orange and Telefonica, are pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement to move forward with a joint proposal.

This baseline proposal will be presented in a new issue and a new PR triggered.

After that, some documentation of the repository will have to be deleted, adapted and/or renamed. Issues and related PRs will be generated for that purpose. Ludovic (@bigludo7) and me will work synchronized in order to perform such actions in parallel as we continue the progress based on this unique proposal.

Also wanted to highly appreciate the collaboration from Ludovic and the very good work done in order to reach this agreement, that really was the main point to address within this WG.

Will propose soon next week a meeting for Ludovic and me can explain the rationale of the proposal to this WG

PedroDiez commented 1 year ago

Will close this Issue at the end of this week

bigludo7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @PedroDiez and it was a pleasure to collaborate on his work ! Again I will like, from Orange, to thanks Telefonica and @PedroDiez for your willingness to find an agreement on this topic. There is no more a Telefonica or an Orange proposal but a common proposal and this is already an achievement. Let's work with the team to make it a CAMARA 'official' asset.