camaraproject / CarrierBillingCheckOut

Repository to describe, develop, document and test the Carrier Billing Check Out API family
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Improvements for Carrier Billing #97

Closed PedroDiez closed 7 months ago

PedroDiez commented 11 months ago

Problem description

Several topics to be addressed. To be reviewed on next meeting. Target version: Include within v0.2 or v0.3 (based on we agree to include within v0.2 or next one)

- Enhancement in Look&Feel of Specific Exceptions:

Example, instead of defining operation specific exceptions within exception code. Just define an object for them

` PaymentPermissionDenied403: description: | Client does not have sufficient permission. In addition to regular PERMISSION_DENIED scenario other scenarios may exist:

Then look and feel is better for API devs:


- Notifications endpoint alignment:

PedroDiez commented 10 months ago

Update 06/SEP:

PedroDiez commented 9 months ago

03/OCT: Notifications endpoint alignment. Commonalities PR#65 is merged. So this is ready to be applied

PedroDiez commented 8 months ago

Notifications aligment Issue:

PedroDiez commented 8 months ago

AP: @PedroDiez Action Point to provide info to the WG. Deadline is 16th October

PedroDiez commented 8 months ago


<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">

API | Operation specific exceptions within exception code | Define exceptions within an Object (proposed for better Look&Feel) -- | -- | -- Quality On Demand | YES           "400":           description: Invalid input for createSession operation           content:             application/json:               schema:                 $ref: "#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo"               examples:                 Generic400:                   summary: Some parameter combinations or parameter values provided are not schema compliant                   value:                     status: 400                     code: INVALID_ARGUMENT                     message: "Schema validation failed at  ..."                 DeviceMissing:                   summary: Device must be specified                   value:                     status: 400                     code: INVALID_ARGUMENT                     message: "Expected property is missing: device"                 InsufficientDeviceProperties:                   summary: Device must be identified by at least one parameter                   value:                     status: 400                     code: INVALID_ARGUMENT                     message: "Insufficient properties specified: device"... |   Home Devices QoD |   | YES (also as it is renderized appear in examples)   409 Requested QoS can't be set. In addition to regular CONFLICT scenario to handle conflict with the current state of the target resource, another scenarios may exist: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.TOO_MANY_DEVICES: Exceeded the maximum quantity of devices with non-default QoS behaviour. HOME_DEVICES_QOD.RSSI_BELOW_THRESHOLD: RSSI from device is below allowed threshold. HOME_DEVICES_QOD.QOS_TOO_HIGH: Requested QoS is higher than the maximum QoS allowed. HOME_DEVICES_QOD.OCCUPANCY_ABOVE_THRESHOLD: The occupancy is above the allowed threshold. HOME_DEVICES_QOD.NOT_CONNECTED_TO_REQUIRED_INTERFACE: Device is not connected to the required interface (e.g. WiFi 5GHz interface). HOME_DEVICES_QOD.NOT_SUPPORTED_REQUIRED_INTERFACE: Device does not support required interface (e.g. WiFi 5GHz interface). HOME_DEVICES_QOD.QOS_ALREADY_SET_TO_DEFAULT: Device QoS is already set to default value. That UX is due to define specific object     setQosConflict409:       description: \|         Requested QoS can't be set.                 In addition to regular CONFLICT scenario to handle conflict with the current state of the target resource, another scenarios may exist:          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.TOO_MANY_DEVICES: Exceeded the maximum quantity of devices with non-default QoS behaviour.          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.RSSI_BELOW_THRESHOLD: RSSI from device is below allowed threshold.          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.QOS_TOO_HIGH: Requested QoS is higher than the maximum QoS allowed.          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.OCCUPANCY_ABOVE_THRESHOLD: The occupancy is above the allowed threshold.          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.NOT_CONNECTED_TO_REQUIRED_INTERFACE: Device is not connected to the required interface (e.g. WiFi 5GHz interface).          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.NOT_SUPPORTED_REQUIRED_INTERFACE: Device does not support required interface (e.g. WiFi 5GHz interface).          - HOME_DEVICES_QOD.QOS_ALREADY_SET_TO_DEFAULT: Device QoS is already set to default value.       headers:         x-correlator:           $ref: '#/components/headers/x-correlator'       content:         application/json:           schema:             $ref: "#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo"           examples:             Conflict:               value:                 status: 409                 code: CONFLICT                 message: Conflict with the current state of the target resource             TooManyDevices:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.TOO_MANY_DEVICES                 message: Exceeded the maximum quantity of devices with non-default QoS behaviour             RssiBelowThreshold:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.RSSI_BELOW_THRESHOLD                 message: RSSI from device is below allowed threshold             QosTooHigh:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.QOS_TOO_HIGH                 message:  Requested QoS is higher than the maximum QoS allowed             OccupancyAboveThreshold:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.OCCUPANCY_ABOVE_THRESHOLD                 message: The occupancy is above the allowed threshold             NotConnectedToRequiredInterface:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.NOT_CONNECTED_TO_REQUIRED_INTERFACE                 message: Device is not connected to the required interface (e.g. WiFi 5GHz interface)             NotSupportedRequiredInterface:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.NOT_SUPPORTED_REQUIRED_INTERFACE                 message: Device does not support required interface (e.g. WiFi 5GHz interface)             QosAlreadySetToDefault:               value:                 status: 409                 code: HOME_DEVICES_QOD.QOS_ALREADY_SET_TO_DEFAULT                 message: Device QoS is already set to default value Device Status | N/A (No specific error yet) | N/A (No specific error yet) Device Location | Location Verification - N/A (No specific error yet) | Location Verification - N/A (No specific error yet)   Location Retrieval  - YES       RetrieveLocationBadRequest400:       description: \|-         Problem with the client request. In addition to regular scenario of `INVALID_ARGUMENT`, another scenarios may exist:           - maxAge threshold cannot be satisfied       content:         application/json:           schema:             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo'           examples:             InvalidArgument:               value:                 status: 400                 code: INVALID_ARGUMENT                 message: 'Invalid input'             MaxAgeIssue:               value:                 status: 400                 code: LOCATION_RETRIEVAL.MAXAGE_INVALID_ARGUMENT                 message: 'maxAge threshold cannot be satisfied' SIM SWAP | N/A (No specific error yet) | N/A (No specific error yet) Number Verification |   | YES       PhoneNumberVerificationPermissionDenied403:       description: \|         Client does not have sufficient permission.         In addition to regular scenario of `PERMISSION_DENIED`, other scenarios may exist:           - Client authentication was not via mobile network. In order to check the authentication method, AMR parameter value in the 3-legged user's access token can be used and make sure that the authentication was not either by SMS+OTP nor username/password (`{"code": "NUMBER_VERIFICATION.USER_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_BY_MOBILE_NETWORK","message": "Client must authenticate via the mobile network to use this service"}`)           - Phone number cannot be deducted from access token context.(`{"code": "NUMBER_VERIFICATION.INVALID_TOKEN_CONTEXT","message": "Phone number cannot be deducted from access token context"}`)       headers:         X-Correlator:           description: Correlation id for the different services           schema:             type: string       content:         application/json:           schema:             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInfo'           examples:             PermissionDenied:               value:                 status: 403                 code: PERMISSION_DENIED                 message: Client does not have sufficient permissions to perform this action             UserNotAuthenticatedByMobileNetwork:               value:                 status: 403                 code: NUMBER_VERIFICATION.USER_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_BY_MOBILE_NETWORK                 message: Client must authenticate via the mobile network to use this service             InvalidTokenContext:               value:                 status: 403                 code: NUMBER_VERIFICATION.INVALID_TOKEN_CONTEXT                 message: Phone number cannot be deducted from access token context One Time Password |   | YES       ValidateCodeBadRequestError400:       description: \|-         Problem with the client request. In addition to regular scenario of `INVALID_ARGUMENT`, another scenarios may exist:           - Too many unsuccessful attempts (`{"code": "ONE_TIME_PASSWORD_SMS.VERIFICATION_FAILED","message": "The maximum number of attempts for this authenticationId was exceeded without providing a valid OTP"}`)           - Expired authenticationId (`{"code": "ONE_TIME_PASSWORD_SMS.VERIFICATION_EXPIRED","message": "The authenticationId is no longer valid"}`)           - OTP is not valid for the provided authenticationId (`{"code": "ONE_TIME_PASSWORD_SMS.INVALID_OTP","message": "The provided OTP is not valid for this authenticationId"}`) Blockchain Public Address |   | YES       InvalidCurrencyForBlockchain400:       description: \|         Problem with the client request.         In addition to regular scenario of INVALID_ARGUMENT, other exceptions may exist.          - Indicated Currency is not valid for the Blockchain ("code": "BLOCKCHAIN_PUBLIC_ADDRESS.INVALID_CURRENCY","message": "Indicated currency is not found")          - Currency indication is required ("code": "BLOCKCHAIN_PUBLIC_ADDRESS.CURRENCY_REQUIRED","message": "One currency is required") Edge Cloud | N/A (No specific error yet) | N/A (No specific error yet)

PedroDiez commented 8 months ago


PedroDiez commented 8 months ago

Regarding APIs Checked, all of them except Quality on Demand, follow the model proposed in this issue to refer to specific Exceptions regarding a given HTTP code.

Considering this, will apply this model also in Carrier Billing. So we will have error info both in examples and also associated to the exception information, providing better look and feel.

cc @bigludo7, @rartych

I will consider within the generated PR

PedroDiez commented 8 months ago

25/OCT: To be included in next PR generation