camaraproject / DeviceStatus

Repository to describe, develop, document and test the Device Status API family
Apache License 2.0
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Extend: Device Status Connectivity with Standard #143

Open NoelWirzius opened 2 months ago

NoelWirzius commented 2 months ago

If there is a valid Data connection established the API should also inform about the Standard with which the device is connected. (2G, 3g, 4g , 5gnsa, 5gsa)

This is helping developers to get a better insight about the connection status.

sachinvodafone commented 2 months ago

I'm concerned about combining connectivity status and network standard information into a single API. I believe keeping them separate would make the API easier to understand and use. Users could then choose which information they need without unnecessary complexity.

Consider a scenario where the network element responsible for providing network standard information differs from the one handling connectivity status. Attempting to merge these distinct pieces of information into a single response would pose significant challenges and complexities. It's comparable to amalgamating data from two disparate databases with different schemas, a task feasible but laden with unnecessary complexity and the risk of potential points of failure

QaunainM commented 2 months ago

I haven;t factored in the point that @sachinvodafone mentioned above, but this would be very useful as it means the DeviceStatus API provides a bit more information that helps developer know when they should invoke other APIs.

For example, if the user only has 2G then we know now to invoke QoD for them.

For developers it can means less APIs to call and reduced costs, but this is without factoring in points that @sachinvodafone mentioned

murthygorty commented 1 month ago

Hi @akoshunyadi , is it possible to add this to 0.6.0 list, instead of 0.7.0 -> when are each of these targeted for (roughly?)

murthygorty commented 1 month ago

Good discussion here on separate vs same endpoints. FWIW, I too agree with @sachinvodafone that this should be a separate endpoint AND a separate API altogether. Speaking along the lines of separatinig the yamls in the other issue that @NoelWirzius raised. cc: @gmuratk @NoelWirzius

akoshunyadi commented 1 month ago

Hi @akoshunyadi , is it possible to add this to 0.6.0 list, instead of 0.7.0 -> when are each of these targeted for (roughly?)

@murthygorty if we have an approved PR in time, then why not. The API version 0.6.0 (actually the splitted APIs with possible other versions) should be part of the upcoming fall metarelease, so we should have the first RC at middle/end of June.

murthygorty commented 1 month ago

Hi @akoshunyadi , is it possible to add this to 0.6.0 list, instead of 0.7.0 -> when are each of these targeted for (roughly?)

@murthygorty if we have an approved PR in time, then why not. The API version 0.6.0 (actually the splitted APIs with possible other versions) should be part of the upcoming fall metarelease, so we should have the first RC at middle/end of June.

Super, this is great info for me @akoshunyadi -> also good to know that we are targeting 0.6.0 for the fall release. Got the input. @gmuratk @NoelWirzius

NoelWirzius commented 1 month ago

@sachinvodafone im supporting this idea and see also that this could be in two single APIs/Endpoints.

Connection Standard Connection Standard subscription I guess also the subscription model makes sense here, so developers are getting a notification, when sth. is changing and then can adjust their applications

murthygorty commented 1 month ago

Can we please use the term 'network type' as opposed to 'connection standard'? 1) IMO, it is non-telecom Developer friendly. 2) As I understand from my telecom colleagues, we could get into debates about what a true 'connection standard' is, since for practical reasons, different MNOs may have used diifferent terminologies for the same 3GPP standard. @gmuratk , @NoelWirzius

akoshunyadi commented 1 month ago

Do we have an idea how the API could be implemented?

gmuratk commented 1 month ago

I added a 'draft' PR for this feature request. Currently it's lacking the subscriptions.

hdamker commented 2 weeks ago

@NoelWirzius @camaraproject/device-status_maintainers:

There is currently an overlap with an PR within ConnectivityInsights (see issue which I have created there). One cause of this overlap is that neither DeviceStatus nor ConnectivityInsights has raised within APIBacklog their intent to define such API and that they want to include it into the scope of their Sub Project.

My proposal would be to create an issue within APIBacklog for the scope enhancement and use that as a trigger for the discussion in which Sub Project the API will be allocated.