cambel / moveit_simultaneous_motions_demo

Sandbox for MoveIt with simultaneous motions
MIT License
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rdf_loader/include include dir not found #1

Open MaDoedel opened 2 years ago

MaDoedel commented 2 years ago

Running the Catkin build in Docker results in an error in the 'moveit_ros_planning' project stating that the specified include directory is not found.

the exact error is: CMake Error at /root/ros_ws/devel/share/moveit_ros_planning/cmake/moveit_ros_planningConfig.cmake:113 (message): Project 'moveit_ros_planning' specifies '/root/ros_ws/src/moveit/moveit_ros/planning/rdf_loader/include' as an include dir, which is not found. It does neither exist as an absolute directory nor in '/root/ros_ws/src/moveit/moveit_ros/planning//root/ros_ws/src/moveit/moveit_ros/planning/rdf_loader/include'.

I tried many times, even with the no-cache option, to build from scratch. There is nothing in root/ros_ws/src/moveit/.

cambel commented 2 years ago

Right, you need to initialize the submodules of this repository. Please

  1. Update the code, I fix a problem with .gitmodule
  2. Then, run git submodule update --init --recursive on this repository's directory.
MaDoedel commented 2 years ago

oh, thank you! now catkin build works, and the demo launch as well. After open a second terminal (docker exec ...) and running 'rosrun panda_dual_arm_demo simple_path', I get the following error: [rosrun] Couldn't find executable named simple_path below /root/ros_ws/src/panda_dual_arm_demo Am I doing something wrong?

cambel commented 2 years ago

For good measure, please rebuild the catkin workspace inside the docker. catkin build Then source the workspace source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash After that it should work

MaDoedel commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately it shows the same error. In .bashrc I can see the sourced line: source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash