Closed Gabriel-la-flamboyance closed 3 years ago
Hi, could you provide more information of what you are trying to do?
Did you install this repository using the Docker method or from source?
Please copy paste the stack trace of the error in the terminal instead of a cropped image.
In any case, it seems a problem with the compilation or sourcing of the ROS workspace. Try to compile again the ROS workspace with catkin build
and then source it source your_ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
Thank you for your quick reply, I am just trying to do the same thing like you did and try to understand it so i could reproduce it myself later, I have Installed the repository from source, When i input : rosrun ur_control -m the error is : [rospack] Error: package 'ur_control' not found
Then can you try compiling with catkin build
again and paste here the result of the compilation
Now I just have to deal with the scripts issues, When i make "rosrun ur_control -m" for example it shows: Which means i suppose that I have some problems with the scripts.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/fabmanager/ros_ws/src/ur_control/scripts/", line 4, in
Yes, it is not supposed to work with Python 2.7 anymore.
You could try to fix the syntax errors which are not many I suppose, and try again. But I suggest you try compiling with Python 3. However, that in a local environment can be very tedious to do, thus my choice of using Docker to have an isolated environment.
Unless there is other problems with my VM, but my python is 3.6. I am going to use Docker as i found that it is a little bit tedious to resolve all errors.
As i am not familiar with docker so it will take me some time to figure it out but for the moment i have this issue. "
I have not seen that error before. Also, did you say VM? do you have your environment in a VM? Docker is basically a VM so I would not recommend having it inside another VM.
I simplify the installation process (Still using docker) for using this repo on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic and Python3, you can check it out in the noetic-devel branch
@cambel I know the problem I found that the ros_ws/src/ur3/ur3e_hande_moveit_config/launch/planning_context.launch have hard code the univerisal_robot path to /root/ros_ws. So it pop the error message.
Now the gazebo can have the movement.
Sorry. I am just a ros beginner. If i want to run the sample on the ur3. Would you like to tell me how to do that?
Really thank you for very help. You are great helpful.
Hello sir, I am trying to run your repo, it works for the RVIZ ("roslaunch ur3_description display_with_gripper.launch") and Gazebo ("roslaunch ur3_gazebo ur3_cubes.launch grasp_plugin:=1"), but when I try to run the scripts it doesn't work ("rosrun ur_control -m"), it says it can't found the ur_control package, even if it is present, could you help me please?