cambialens / lens-api-doc

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passing multiple lens_id in python query #37

Closed shazother closed 3 years ago

shazother commented 3 years ago

trying to pass multiple patent ids in the query using list_id below, not sure how to pass that in the data field

import requests list_id = ["038-537-395-757-496","126-205-264-177-108"]

url = '' data = '''{ "query": { "terms": { "lens_id": '''list_id''' } }, "include": ["abstract", "claims","description"] }''' headers = {'Authorization': 'My auth key', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} response =, data=data, headers=headers) if response.status_code != print(response.status_code) else: pass

shazother commented 3 years ago

figured it out:

import requests import json list_id = ["038-537-395-757-496", "126-205-264-177-108"]

url = '' data = '''{ "query": { "terms": { "lens_id": '''+(json.dumps(list_id))+''' } }, "include": ["abstract", "claims","description"] }''' headers = {'Authorization': 'My auth key', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} response =, data=data, headers=headers) if response.status_code != print(response.status_code) else: pass