cambialens / lens-api-doc

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Issue with Academic API Search #72

Closed Hedongpeng closed 5 months ago

Hedongpeng commented 5 months ago

Dear friend,

I have been attempting to use the academic API based on the guidelines provided in the manual. I have a text document containing Lens IDs, and I am trying to retrieve specific fields listed in the API manual. However, I keep encountering errors in Python. The error messages are as follows:

Failed to fetch data: {'reference': 'fd210d71-1900-452b-9b5c-7141f2c6e806', 'message': 'Unrecognized fields - [authors.display_name, referenced_by_count, reference_count, patent_citation_count, ids.doi, source.asjc_code, authors.affiliations.address.country_code,]', 'code': 400} Failed to fetch data: {'reference': '3d98d6e8-8c9e-4155-a1bc-5aade3c0eb51', 'message': 'Unrecognized fields - [authors.display_name, referenced_by_count, reference_count, patent_citation_count, ids.doi, source.asjc_code, authors.affiliations.address.country_code,]', 'code': 400} I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant day.

Best regards,


Here is my code:

import requests import json


url = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

从文件中读取Lens ID

def load_ids(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: ids = return ids


def fetch_data(ids): all_data = [] # 用于存储所有收集的数据


for batch in [ids[i:i + 5000] for i in range(0, len(ids), 5000)]:
    data = {
        "query": {
            "terms": {
                "lens_id": batch
        "size": 1000,
        "include": [
    response =, headers=headers, json=data)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        # 如果遇到错误,打印错误信息并跳过这批数据
        print("Failed to fetch data:", response.json())
return all_data


def save_to_json(data, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4)


def main(): lens_ids = load_ids('lens-ID.txt') # 从文件中读取ID result_data = fetch_data(lens_ids) # 获取数据 save_to_json(result_data, 'output.json') # 保存数据到JSON文件


if name == 'main': main()

Hedongpeng commented 5 months ago

I have revised my code once again, and the error message at the end suggests a "Mismatched input for fields - [include]" error. However, all the fields I am querying are shown in the API manual. Could you please advise on how to modify this? Thank you very much!

import requests import time import json

API endpoint and headers with your token

url = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Function to load Lens IDs from a file

def load_ids(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: ids = return ids

Recursive function to handle paginated results using scrolling

def scroll(scroll_id, request_body):

Update the request body for the next API call using the scroll_id

if scroll_id is not None:
    request_body = json.dumps({
        "scroll_id": scroll_id,
        "include": include_fields

# Make the API request
response =, data=request_body, headers=headers)

# Handle rate limiting by the API
if response.status_code == 429:
    time.sleep(8)  # Wait 8 seconds before retrying
    scroll(scroll_id, request_body)
# Stop and debug if the response is not OK
elif response.status_code != 200:
# Process the data and iterate with the new scroll_id
    data = response.json()
    scroll_id = data.get('scroll_id')
    print(data['data'])  # You can modify this part to process your data as needed
    if scroll_id:
        scroll(scroll_id, request_body)

Fields you wish to retrieve from the API

include_fields = json.dumps([ "lens_id", "title", "abstract", "keywords", "date_published", "year_published", "publication_type", "external_ids.type", "authors.display_name", "author_count", "", "references.lens_id", "referenced_by_count", "reference_count", "patent_citations.lens_id", "patent_citation_count", "ids.doi", "source.title", "source.publisher", "", "source.asjc_code", "source.issn", "fields_of_study", "authors.affiliations.address.country_code", "", "", "open_access.colour" ])

Load Lens IDs from a file

identifiers = load_ids('lens-ID.txt') # Filename where IDs are stored

Process identifiers in batches of 5000

for ids_batch in [identifiers[i:i + 5000] for i in range(0, len(identifiers), 5000)]: initial_request_body = json.dumps({ "query": { "terms": { "lens_id": ids_batch } }, "include": include_fields })

Start recursive scrolling with the initial request

scroll(scroll_id=None, request_body=initial_request_body)

{'reference': '354d319c-c691-4a1b-a95f-02b8c352ce31', 'message': 'Mismatched input for fields - [include]', 'code': 400}

{'reference': 'a8c8e39d-2c3c-408c-9c42-79132f1f7bd1', 'message': 'Mismatched input for fields - [include]', 'code': 400} {'reference': '268d7aa3-c0fd-4046-94c4-fc5aeb775be0', 'message': 'Mismatched input for fields - [include]', 'code': 400} {'reference': '78948b6a-35b0-4b53-b9bd-1ee956038ffc', 'message': 'Mismatched input for fields - [include]', 'code': 400} {'reference': '5efa2069-5783-40c0-a277-29ac7cb04aa5', 'message': 'Mismatched input for fields - [include]', 'code': 400} {'reference': '24d5e571-93d9-404e-b3f0-1df811304ace', 'message': 'Mismatched input for fields - [include]', 'code': 400}