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Producing a CoC and associated documentation on process #3

Open keywordnew opened 6 years ago

keywordnew commented 6 years ago

Based on discussion in #1, there is a general consensus on having a CoC, and processes around enforcement, and reporting.

To help with starting to produce documentation, these are some examples produced so far from the discussion.

Example Code of Conducts are:

Django Project PyCascades Conf Write the Docs JSConf Contributor Covenant + tool

Examples of Reporting:

Django Project

Examples of Enforcement Guides:

JS Foundation Django Project

Qard commented 6 years ago

NodeSchool is currently using Contributor Covenant, however we haven't yet actually had any incidents come up. Given the small size of the event though, the reporting process was pretty much just "talk to me in private" and not a whole lot else was done around that. We should probably put a little more effort into it this time around. 😅