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authorship and integration with Zenodo #5

Open tavareshugo opened 1 year ago

tavareshugo commented 1 year ago

Think about how we can further detail author contributions. Although we list the authors at the top of the homepage, it would be good to have a section detailing their affiliations and contributions. Similar to how plos does it.

Quarto provides several author metadata fields for this and can also automatically generate a citation

However, if we have lots of authors, the default way to present this information can become too long.
Maybe it's possible to list all the information we want using custom listings based on one of those examples.

Looking ahead, if we publish these repos with Zenodo (to get a DOI), then we need to have a .zenodo.json file with their details.
See Zenodo documentation.

It would be good to combine both of these features together, to avoid complicated

tavareshugo commented 1 year ago

For now we have:

The homepage has been streamlined to include a more friendly tabbed version, where people can more easily find the different parts of the content.

This is not entirely automated, but it's simple to maintain and edit (without the need for a further cognitive burden of remembering how Quarto custom listings work).