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Update stack examples to include the visualisation #745

Open gpeb2 opened 1 year ago

gpeb2 commented 1 year ago

Currently the stack examples just demonstrate uploading different datasets and stop before including a visualisation. PR #742 adds the visualisation container as an optional built-in service and makes it easy to supply the extra files the DTVF requires to work and PR #743 makes supplying Mapbox API credentials more easily. This would mainly be a matter of adding the appropriate stack config files and visualisation files to the examples directory, and then updating the documentation. The new folder structure should probably be something like this:

└── examples
    │  └── inputs
    │      ├── config
    │      ├── data
    │      └── secrets
       └── inputs
           ├── config
           └── data
cmclscourtney commented 1 year ago

I am currently working on the pylon example (Issue #760) that would be a good demo of this as well as the features in PR #765.