camcamfresh / Xiaomi-M365-BLE-Controller-Replacement

Replacing the BLE Controller with a Cellular Controller
142 stars 34 forks source link

I can not compile. Gives an error message #42

Closed VadymKC closed 4 years ago

VadymKC commented 4 years ago

firmware.ino:9:1: 'PMIC' does not name a type firmware.ino:331:9: 'pmic' was not declared in this scope Tell me what to do with this?

VadymKC commented 4 years ago

I use Photon (Device OS:1.4.4)

camcamfresh commented 4 years ago

I believe PMIC is only for the Electron, you might be able to use one of the pins on the photon and read the voltage level from there instead. However, you will likely need a battery. If the power turns off, then so does the Photon and you'll have no way to restart the scooter remotely.

VadymKC commented 4 years ago
