camdencheek / tree-sitter-dockerfile

A tree-sitter grammar for Dockerfile
MIT License
71 stars 20 forks source link

Incorrect highlighting for certain RUN directives in nvim #51

Open jason-ci opened 3 months ago

jason-ci commented 3 months ago

Hi, I'm seeing some incorrect highlighting for some of the RUN directives in this Dockerfile in Neovim;

FROM node:20-alpine AS builder

WORKDIR /staging

COPY . /staging/

RUN corepack enable
RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
RUN pnpm build
RUN pnpm prune --prod

FROM node:20-alpine


COPY --from=builder /staging/package.json /staging/pnpm-lock.yaml  /app/
COPY --from=builder /staging/node_modules /app/node_modules
COPY --from=builder /staging/build /app/build

CMD ["node", "/app/build"]

Output of :InspectTree;

(command) ; [7:5 - 10:21]
 name: (command_name) ; [7:5 - 12]
  (word) ; [7:5 - 12]
 argument: (word) ; [7:14 - 8:8]
 argument: (word) ; [8:10 - 16]
 argument: (word) ; [8:18 - 9:8]
 argument: (word) ; [9:10 - 10:8]
 argument: (word) ; [10:10 - 14]
 argument: (word) ; [10:16 - 21]
(from_instruction) ; [1:1 - 30]
 (image_spec) ; [1:6 - 19]
  name: (image_name) ; [1:6 - 9]
  tag: (image_tag) ; [1:10 - 19]
 as: (image_alias) ; [1:24 - 30]
(workdir_instruction) ; [3:1 - 16]
 (path) ; [3:9 - 16]
(copy_instruction) ; [5:1 - 16]
 (path) ; [5:6 - 6]
 (path) ; [5:8 - 16]
(run_instruction) ; [7:1 - 19]
 (shell_command) ; [7:5 - 19]
  (shell_fragment) ; [7:5 - 19]
(run_instruction) ; [8:1 - 34]
 (shell_command) ; [8:5 - 34]
  (shell_fragment) ; [8:5 - 34]
(run_instruction) ; [9:1 - 14]
 (shell_command) ; [9:5 - 14]
  (shell_fragment) ; [9:5 - 14]
(run_instruction) ; [10:1 - 21]
 (shell_command) ; [10:5 - 21]
  (shell_fragment) ; [10:5 - 21]
(from_instruction) ; [12:1 - 19]
 (image_spec) ; [12:6 - 19]
  name: (image_name) ; [12:6 - 9]
  tag: (image_tag) ; [12:10 - 19]
(workdir_instruction) ; [14:1 - 12]
 (path) ; [14:9 - 12]
(copy_instruction) ; [16:1 - 72]
 (param) ; [16:6 - 19]
 (path) ; [16:21 - 41]
 (path) ; [16:43 - 65]
 (path) ; [16:68 - 72]
(copy_instruction) ; [17:1 - 59]
 (param) ; [17:6 - 19]
 (path) ; [17:21 - 41]
 (path) ; [17:43 - 59]
(copy_instruction) ; [18:1 - 45]
 (param) ; [18:6 - 19]
 (path) ; [18:21 - 34]
 (path) ; [18:36 - 45]
(expose_instruction) ; [20:1 - 11]
 (expose_port) ; [20:8 - 11]
(cmd_instruction) ; [21:1 - 26]
 (json_string_array) ; [21:5 - 26]
  (json_string) ; [21:6 - 11]
  (json_string) ; [21:14 - 25]

Screenshot of highlighting I'm seeing;


Build info;

jason-ci commented 3 months ago

It seems the top most command node in the treesitter output is incorrectly catching the corepack command onwards, until the end of the 4th and final RUN directive, with everything after being treated as an argument to corepack

myapaulogy commented 3 months ago

I think I'm experiencing the same problem going off your explanation. Its considering everything after python3 as an argument.

FROM alpine:edge

USER root

RUN apk add python3
#RUN pip3 install --no-cache --upgrade pip setuptools

RUN apk add curl


copy . .

CMD python3
(source_file ; [0, 0] - [16, 0]
  (program ; [5, 4] - [15, 19]
    (command ; [5, 4] - [15, 19]
      name: (command_name ; [5, 4] - [5, 7]
        (word)) ; [5, 4] - [5, 7]
      argument: (word) ; [5, 8] - [5, 11]
      argument: (concatenation ; [5, 12] - [9, 7]
        (word) ; [5, 12] - [5, 19]
        (word)) ; [9, 4] - [9, 7]
      argument: (word) ; [9, 8] - [9, 11]
      argument: (word) ; [9, 12] - [15, 11]
      argument: (word))) ; [15, 12] - [15, 19]
  (from_instruction ; [0, 0] - [0, 16]
    (image_spec ; [0, 5] - [0, 16]
      name: (image_name) ; [0, 5] - [0, 11]
      tag: (image_tag))) ; [0, 11] - [0, 16]
  (user_instruction ; [2, 0] - [2, 9]
    user: (unquoted_string)) ; [2, 5] - [2, 9]
  (env_instruction ; [3, 0] - [3, 22]
    (env_pair ; [3, 4] - [3, 22]
      name: (unquoted_string) ; [3, 4] - [3, 20]
      value: (unquoted_string))) ; [3, 21] - [3, 22]
  (run_instruction ; [5, 0] - [5, 19]
    (shell_command ; [5, 4] - [5, 19]
      (shell_fragment))) ; [5, 4] - [5, 19]
  (comment) ; [6, 0] - [6, 53]
  (run_instruction ; [9, 0] - [9, 16]
    (shell_command ; [9, 4] - [9, 16]
      (shell_fragment))) ; [9, 4] - [9, 16]
  (workdir_instruction ; [11, 0] - [11, 12]
    (path)) ; [11, 8] - [11, 12]
  (copy_instruction ; [13, 0] - [13, 8]
    (path) ; [13, 5] - [13, 6]
    (path)) ; [13, 7] - [13, 8]
  (cmd_instruction ; [15, 0] - [15, 19]
    (shell_command ; [15, 4] - [15, 19]
      (shell_fragment)))) ; [15, 4] - [15, 19]

highlighting image

Tronikelis commented 3 months ago

same here


camdencheek commented 2 months ago

This appears to be an issue with the bash language injection. program is not a node created by the Dockerfile grammar, and disabling the bash injections gives me correct looking highlighting. I do not actually maintain the injections in nvim-treesitter, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on there, but it seem possible the issue is related to this.