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Current Andorid environment is base on the Google Android Emluator in Android Studio that uses qemu to transcode ARM to x86. Some problmes exist in this setting:
Operations are so laggy that even affect experiment result in low performance hardware
The snapshot functionality is nearly unusable
The whole Andorid Studio IDE too heavy since we only use its emulator.
Some possible solution:
Find an online cloud phone platform.
Pros: Their commercial solutions are stable and reliable
Cons: Expensive, not fully contolled by us
Use a cloud ARM machine to run the emulator
haven't tried if it can help improve the performance, but should be true theoretically
Change another light-weight emulator
To be discussed
If you have better ideas, welome to comment below.
Required prerequisites
Current Andorid environment is base on the Google Android Emluator in Android Studio that uses qemu to transcode ARM to x86. Some problmes exist in this setting:
Some possible solution:
If you have better ideas, welome to comment below.
Additional context
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