camel-tooling / camel-lsp-client-eclipse

This is a client implementation of the Apache Camel Language Server Protocol for Eclipse IDE
Apache License 2.0
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Processes are not closing. #49

Open tiagofaustino opened 5 years ago

tiagofaustino commented 5 years ago

This plugin are generating repeated processes and do not close. Even after closing Eclipse 2018-09 (Build id: 20180917-1800). As an example I have a "camel-lsp-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" jar of the "camel-tooling" plugin.


apupier commented 5 years ago

@tiagofaustino thanks for the report.

it is "normal" that a new process is launched for each opened editor. I cannot reproduce to have them still running when closing Eclipse. In fact, a process is launched when an editor opens and when the editor is closing it is shutdown. Newer version is available on the update site. I'm wondering if I'm not reproducing because of improvements done recently while fixing Can you try to update please? If you still reproduce, can you precise which editor you are opening: XML Editor, Java Editor, Generic Text editor, Camel route Editor?

apupier commented 5 years ago

@tiagofaustino I'm closing this issue as I'm unable to reproduce. If you have time to provide more information, please reopen it.

KingRabbid commented 4 years ago


I have similar issue, i.e. the LSP instance is not closed, remains open and this adds to a large memory consumption (see the picture: Camel-lsp-instances).

I'm using STS 4.7.0 and the Apache Camel LSP "Tooling for Apache Camel based on Apache Camel implementation of Language Server Protocol null"

I've opened a couple of "Generic Editor - Spring properties" tabs, closed them, inspected a couple of definitions, etc. Now I have 4 of them opened, another 5 XML tabs (Maven POM editor) and 2 Java editor tabs.

Just an additional info: after closing the IDE the java process was still alive for at least 1 minute. However for the list in the picture all java process were alive for long time.


apupier commented 3 years ago

I'm still unable to reproduce. The server process is terminated when the editor is closed fo rme.

Can you take a java thread dump on the process that remains please? (different ways to do so explained here )

KingRabbid commented 3 years ago


I'm attaching the requested input: camel-lsp-td-1.txt. Could this be relevant that I'm having my laptop in Sleep mode from time to time?

Now I have only XML files opened in editor (for some time already) but as you can see in the process list there are 7 alive. camel-lsp-proc

Also few prints for memory & thread usage during a Flight recording. camel-lsp-memory camel-lsp-threads


apupier commented 3 years ago

I gave another look but still cannot reproduce and not found anything that is giving ideas where to look at :-(

Could this be relevant that I'm having my laptop in Sleep mode from time to time?

I do not see how but why not. i tried to put in sleep but cannot reproduce neither.

I'm attaching the requested input: camel-lsp-td-1.txt.

thanks. Unfortunately, evrythign seems normal.

I noticed that you were on Spring Tool Suite 4 so gave a try with it and cannot reproduce neither