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[Testing] Courses
8 years ago
8 years ago
Courses :
[x] ACL
[x] check courses CRUD
[x] Test required fields and field validations
[x] check multiple outline
[x] check date diff validation
[x] course or outlines delete only accessible by admin
[x] check there's only one appearing CIP course
[x] check full capacity
[x] check course events CRUD
[x] Test required fields and field validations
[ ] check resources CRUD
[x] Test required fields and field validations
[x] check multiple resources
[ ] resource delete only accessible by admin
[ ] Check Evaluations
[ ] check evaluation templates validation
[ ] check course evaluation validation
[ ] check vote for course
[ ] check course calendar related functions
[x] hide from calendar should hide course from calendar and more details pages
[x] is for instructor decide course appear in calendar or instructor training
[ ] full course event would have no enroll option
[ ] enroll for not enrolled course event
[ ] cancel enroll for already enrolled course event
[ ] check if end date has been gone So hide event from calendar
[ ] enrolling course event ,should eventually turn enroll to cancel in calendar
[ ] outline download
[ ] periodic notifications
[ ] calendar alert
[ ] more details page display course events, outlines and resources
[ ] check instructor training related functions
[x] hide from calendar should hide course from calendar and more details pages
[x] calendar display one course
[x] display courses by the instructor through having CIP option checked
[ ] not found training for the instructor display proper message
[ ] full course event would have no enroll option
[ ] enroll for not enrolled course event
[ ] cancel enroll for already enrolled course event
[ ] enrolling course event ,should eventually turn enroll to cancel in calendar
[ ] course events, outlines and resources are loaded
[ ] instructor calendar display courses by the instructor through CIP option
[ ] my courses display enrolled courses