[x] 21. the Arabic forms. I have problems in the localization of the forms.
Tech Note
prepare a script that will do the following :
loop over all .phtml files found in themes/certigate
extract all msgid that are found between {{#translate}} and {{/translate}}
Don't add redundant strings ( make them unique )
compare the extracted strings with the strings found in module/Translate/language/ar_AR.po
produce a csv file with the strings and their translations ( if the translation exists put it , if it is not leave it blank and move it to the top of the csv file )
The script is working good , but there is no need to create po file then translate it to csv file
You can create a csv file directly using fputcsv
Nice To Have
rather than parsing the po file by yourself , you can use a po parser library ( Po Parser )
Format the code in PSR-2 coding standards , easily achieved with netbeans
Tech Note
files found inthemes/certigate