camelop / NLP-Robustness

OOD Generalization and Detection (ACL 2020)
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OOD Detection #2

Closed tpatzelt closed 3 years ago

tpatzelt commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for publishing the code used in your interesting paper! I am wondering if this repo also contains the code for the OOD Detection part, i.e. for recording the confidence scores on the SST-2 dataset and on the 5 validation datasets. I am curious how you calculated the FPR95 and anomaly. Going through all files I cannot find the related code. Do I miss it or is it not added? Thank you very much for your time, @tpatzelt

camelop commented 3 years ago

Hi! @tpatzelt Thanks for your interest in our work! The OOD Detection part is done by using some separate scripts on top of this repo. I'm putting two main scripts here.

command_template = "echo \"{output_name}\" && allennlp predict model/{model_id} data/ForPredictors/{target}.jsonl --cuda-device 4 --include-package allennlp_glue_patch --output-file {output_name}.pred.txt --predictor binary_sentiment_predictor --silent"

models = [ "bow-sum[sst-2]-1", "word2vec-sum[sst-2]-5", "word2vec-lstm[sst-2]-6", "word2vec-cnn[sst-2]-8", "glove-sum[sst-2]-10", "glove-lstm[sst-2]-16", "glove-cnn[sst-2]-18", "roberta-large-pool[sst-2]-22", "bert-large-pool[sst-2]-25", "bert-base-pool[sst-2]-26" ]

targets = [ "20ng", "multi30k", "sst2-dev", "wmt16", "snli_concat", "rte", "yelp-am", ]

for m in models: for t in targets: print(command_template.format( model_id=m, target=t, output_name="{}__{}".format(t, m) ))

- For collecting the result

import numpy as np import sklearn.metrics as sk

recall_level_default = 0.95

def stable_cumsum(arr, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): """Use high precision for cumsum and check that final value matches sum Parameters

arr : array-like
    To be cumulatively summed as flat
rtol : float
    Relative tolerance, see ``np.allclose``
atol : float
    Absolute tolerance, see ``np.allclose``
out = np.cumsum(arr, dtype=np.float64)
expected = np.sum(arr, dtype=np.float64)
if not np.allclose(out[-1], expected, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
    raise RuntimeError('cumsum was found to be unstable: '
                       'its last element does not correspond to sum')
return out

def fpr_and_fdr_at_recall(y_true, y_score, recall_level=recall_level_default, pos_label=None): classes = np.unique(y_true) if (pos_label is None and not (np.array_equal(classes, [0, 1]) or np.array_equal(classes, [-1, 1]) or np.array_equal(classes, [0]) or np.array_equal(classes, [-1]) or np.array_equal(classes, [1]))): raise ValueError("Data is not binary and pos_label is not specified") elif pos_label is None: pos_label = 1.

# make y_true a boolean vector
y_true = (y_true == pos_label)

# sort scores and corresponding truth values
desc_score_indices = np.argsort(y_score, kind="mergesort")[::-1]
y_score = y_score[desc_score_indices]
y_true = y_true[desc_score_indices]

# y_score typically has many tied values. Here we extract
# the indices associated with the distinct values. We also
# concatenate a value for the end of the curve.
distinct_value_indices = np.where(np.diff(y_score))[0]
threshold_idxs = np.r_[distinct_value_indices, y_true.size - 1]

# accumulate the true positives with decreasing threshold
tps = stable_cumsum(y_true)[threshold_idxs]
fps = 1 + threshold_idxs - tps      # add one because of zero-based indexing

thresholds = y_score[threshold_idxs]

recall = tps / tps[-1]

last_ind = tps.searchsorted(tps[-1])
sl = slice(last_ind, None, -1)      # [last_ind::-1]
recall, fps, tps, thresholds = np.r_[recall[sl], 1], np.r_[fps[sl], 0], np.r_[tps[sl], 0], thresholds[sl]

cutoff = np.argmin(np.abs(recall - recall_level))

return fps[cutoff] / (np.sum(np.logical_not(y_true)))   # , fps[cutoff]/(fps[cutoff] + tps[cutoff])

def get_measures(_pos, _neg, recall_level=recall_level_default): pos = np.array(_pos[:]).reshape((-1, 1)) neg = np.array(_neg[:]).reshape((-1, 1)) examples = np.squeeze(np.vstack((pos, neg))) labels = np.zeros(len(examples), dtype=np.int32) labels[:len(pos)] += 1

auroc = sk.roc_auc_score(labels, examples)
aupr = sk.average_precision_score(labels, examples)
fpr = fpr_and_fdr_at_recall(labels, examples, recall_level)

return auroc, aupr, fpr

def show_performance(pos, neg, method_name='Ours', recall_level=recall_level_default): ''' :param pos: 1's class, class to detect, outliers, or wrongly predicted example scores :param neg: 0's class scores '''

auroc, aupr, fpr = get_measures(pos[:], neg[:], recall_level)

print('\t\t\t' + method_name)
print('FPR{:d}:\t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(int(100 * recall_level), 100 * fpr))
print('AUROC:\t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(100 * auroc))
print('AUPR:\t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(100 * aupr))
# print('FDR{:d}:\t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(int(100 * recall_level), 100 * fdr))
return fpr, auroc, aupr

def print_measures(auroc, aupr, fpr, method_name='Ours', recall_level=recall_level_default): print('\t\t\t\t' + method_name) print('FPR{:d}:\t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(int(100 recall_level), 100 fpr)) print('AUROC: \t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(100 auroc)) print('AUPR: \t\t\t{:.2f}'.format(100 aupr))

def print_measures_with_std(aurocs, auprs, fprs, method_name='Ours', recall_level=recall_level_default): print('\t\t\t\t' + method_name) print('FPR{:d}:\t\t\t{:.2f}\t+/- {:.2f}'.format(int(100 recall_level), 100 np.mean(fprs), 100 np.std(fprs))) print('AUROC: \t\t\t{:.2f}\t+/- {:.2f}'.format(100 np.mean(aurocs), 100 np.std(aurocs))) print('AUPR: \t\t\t{:.2f}\t+/- {:.2f}'.format(100 np.mean(auprs), 100 * np.std(auprs)))

def show_performance_comparison(pos_base, neg_base, pos_ours, neg_ours, baseline_name='Baseline', method_name='Ours', recall_level=recall_level_default): ''' :param pos_base: 1's class, class to detect, outliers, or wrongly predicted example scores from the baseline :param neg_base: 0's class scores generated by the baseline ''' auroc_base, aupr_base, fpr_base = get_measures(pos_base[:], neg_base[:], recall_level) auroc_ours, aupr_ours, fpr_ours = get_measures(pos_ours[:], neg_ours[:], recall_level)

print('\t\t\t' + baseline_name + '\t' + method_name)
    int(100 * recall_level), 100 * fpr_base, 100 * fpr_ours))
    100 * auroc_base, 100 * auroc_ours))
    100 * aupr_base, 100 * aupr_ours))
# print('FDR{:d}:\t\t\t{:.2f}\t\t{:.2f}'.format(
#     int(100 * recall_level), 100 * fdr_base, 100 * fdr_ours))

import os, sys, json argv = sys.argv os.chdir("./pred") base_file = "output_train.txt" ood_file = "output_dev.txt"

def read_file(f): print("read ->", f) with open(f) as fin: ret = [] for l in fin: probs = json.loads(l)['probs']


        if sum(probs[:2]) < 0.0001:
        nw = max(probs[:2])/sum(probs[:2])
    return ret

targets = [ "20ng", "multi30k", "sst2-dev", "wmt16", "snli_concat", "rte", "yelp-am", ]

import glob all_results = {} for filename in glob.glob("*.pred.txt"): fileid = filename.split(".pred.txt")[0] target, modelid = fileid.split("__") all_results[(target, modelid)] = read_file(filename)

printed_results = [] fout = open("OOD.tsv", 'w') baseline_target="sst2-dev"


import csv writer = csv.writer(fout, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(["model_id", "target", "len", "fpr", "auroc", "aupr"])

for (target, modelid), score in all_results.items(): if len(score) < 100: continue else: print(target, modelid) printed_results = show_performance(score, all_results[(baseline_target, modelid)]) writer.writerow([modelid, target, len(score), printed_results[0], printed_results[1], printed_results[2]])

Let me know if you have any further questions. Hope this helps!
tpatzelt commented 3 years ago

@camelop thank you. that looks already very helpful. I will try it out soon (little busy atm)