camelot-dev / camelot

A Python library to extract tabular data from PDFs
MIT License
2.77k stars 446 forks source link

Prepare for release #421

Closed MartinThoma closed 4 months ago

MartinThoma commented 9 months ago
foarsitter commented 9 months ago

Can you elaborate a little more on your design choices?

Why did you introduced a second package manager and why are all the dependencies listed twice in pyproject.toml?

MartinThoma commented 9 months ago

flit is not a package manager. It's simply a tool to build and upload a package to PyPI.

I'm using flit already in other projects and I like that it uses the standard (PEP 621). I don't like poetry because it introduces its own format and seems bloated to me. Also it is a pain to check the updates of a poetry lockfile (in contrast to pip-compile created requirements.txt files). is about poetry following the standard. I don't think that is happening soon.

foarsitter commented 9 months ago

I don't see what problems being solved here by adding flit. On the long term one may argue that Poetry needs to replaced in its whole because it doesn't follow the standards. Adding a new tool to do a task that is already taking care of doesn't make sense to me.

marcozzxx810 commented 9 months ago

I think we are able to publish through poetry build and poetry publish.

May I know What problem we are solving for this PR?