camelot-dev / camelot

A Python library to extract tabular data from PDFs
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Error in PyPDF2 3.0.0 #478

Open NamanS-14 opened 6 months ago

NamanS-14 commented 6 months ago

While following every steps in the installation as given there is an error that I am unable to tackle and that is in some file PyPDF2 3.0.0 located in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/PyPDF2/ I am attaching the screenshots with the error that it is showing. Please help me to execute the library. Screenshot 2023-12-31 203453

viettran295 commented 6 months ago

I also got this error. I solved by installing from Github repo or you have to fix PyPDF2 problems in

NamanS-14 commented 6 months ago

Could you please help me by letting me know that how may I solve in issue in a little bit more details. Which file do I need to install from GitHub as you have mentioned above?

ayushtiwariji420 commented 4 months ago

I got the same error and updated the libraries code in file name now it's working

-- coding: utf-8 --

import os import sys import PyPDF2 from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader

from .core import TableList from .parsers import Stream, Lattice from .utils import ( TemporaryDirectory, get_page_layout, get_text_objects, get_rotation, is_url, download_url, )

class PDFHandler(object): """Handles all operations like temp directory creation, splitting file into single page PDFs, parsing each PDF and then removing the temp directory.

filepath : str
    Filepath or URL of the PDF file.
pages : str, optional (default: '1')
    Comma-separated page numbers.
    Example: '1,3,4' or '1,4-end' or 'all'.
password : str, optional (default: None)
    Password for decryption.


def __init__(self, filepath, pages="1", password=None):
    if is_url(filepath):
        filepath = download_url(filepath)
    self.filepath = filepath
    if not filepath.lower().endswith(".pdf"):
        raise NotImplementedError("File format not supported")

    if password is None:
        self.password = ""
        self.password = password
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            self.password = self.password.encode("ascii")
    self.pages = self._get_pages(self.filepath, pages)

def _get_pages(self, filepath, pages):
    """Converts pages string to list of ints.

    filepath : str
        Filepath or URL of the PDF file.
    pages : str, optional (default: '1')
        Comma-separated page numbers.
        Example: '1,3,4' or '1,4-end' or 'all'.

    P : list
        List of int page numbers.

    page_numbers = []
    if pages == "1":
        page_numbers.append({"start": 1, "end": 1})
        instream = open(filepath, "rb")
        infile = PyPDF2.PdfReader(instream, strict=False)
        if infile.is_encrypted:
        if pages == "all":
            page_numbers.append({"start": 1, "end": len(infile.pages)})
            for r in pages.split(","):
                if "-" in r:
                    a, b = r.split("-")
                    if b == "end":
                        b = infile.getNumPages()
                    page_numbers.append({"start": int(a), "end": int(b)})
                    page_numbers.append({"start": int(r), "end": int(r)})
    P = []
    for p in page_numbers:
        P.extend(range(p["start"], p["end"] + 1))
    return sorted(set(P))

def _save_page(self, filepath, page, temp):
    """Saves specified page from PDF into a temporary directory.

    filepath : str
        Filepath or URL of the PDF file.
    page : int
        Page number.
    temp : str
        Tmp directory.

    with open(filepath, "rb") as fileobj:
        infile = PyPDF2.PdfReader(fileobj, strict=False)
        if infile.is_encrypted:
        fpath = os.path.join(temp, f"page-{page}.pdf")
        froot, fext = os.path.splitext(fpath)
        p = infile.pages[page - 1]
        outfile = PyPDF2.PdfWriter()
        with open(fpath, "wb") as f:
        layout, dim = get_page_layout(fpath)
        # fix rotated PDF
        chars = get_text_objects(layout, ltype="char")
        horizontal_text = get_text_objects(layout, ltype="horizontal_text")
        vertical_text = get_text_objects(layout, ltype="vertical_text")
        rotation = get_rotation(chars, horizontal_text, vertical_text)
        if rotation != "":
            fpath_new = "".join([froot.replace("page", "p"), "_rotated", fext])
            os.rename(fpath, fpath_new)
            instream = open(fpath_new, "rb")
            infile = PyPDF2.PdfReader(instream, strict=False)
            if infile.is_encrypted:
            outfile = PyPDF2.PdfWriter()
            p = infile.pages[0]
            if rotation == "anticlockwise":
            elif rotation == "clockwise":
            with open(fpath, "wb") as f:

def parse(
    self, flavor="lattice", suppress_stdout=False, layout_kwargs={}, **kwargs
    """Extracts tables by calling parser.get_tables on all single
    page PDFs.

    flavor : str (default: 'lattice')
        The parsing method to use ('lattice' or 'stream').
        Lattice is used by default.
    suppress_stdout : str (default: False)
        Suppress logs and warnings.
    layout_kwargs : dict, optional (default: {})
        A dict of `pdfminer.layout.LAParams <>`_ kwargs.
    kwargs : dict
        See camelot.read_pdf kwargs.

    tables : camelot.core.TableList
        List of tables found in PDF.

    tables = []
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        for p in self.pages:
            self._save_page(self.filepath, p, tempdir)
        pages = [os.path.join(tempdir, f"page-{p}.pdf") for p in self.pages]
        parser = Lattice(**kwargs) if flavor == "lattice" else Stream(**kwargs)
        for p in pages:
            t = parser.extract_tables(
                p, suppress_stdout=suppress_stdout, layout_kwargs=layout_kwargs
    return TableList(sorted(tables))
Kev744 commented 3 months ago

Or simple install it : !pip install PyPDF2==2.12.1 !pip install 'camelot-py[base]'

Make sure them two are been uninstalled before