camenduru / stable-diffusion-webui-colab

stable diffusion webui colab
The Unlicense
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[Bug]:: xFormers can't load C++/CUDA extensions. #497

Open txmu opened 4 months ago

txmu commented 4 months ago

What happened?

NotImplementedError: No operator found for `memory_efficient_attention_forward` with inputs: query : shape=(2, 4096, 8, 40) (torch.float16) key : shape=(2, 4096, 8, 40) (torch.float16) value : shape=(2, 4096, 8, 40) (torch.float16) attn_bias : <class 'NoneType'> p : 0.0 `flshattF` is not supported because: xFormers wasn't build with CUDA support Operator wasn't built - see `python -m` for more info `tritonflashattF` is not supported because: xFormers wasn't build with CUDA support requires A100 GPU Only work on pre-MLIR triton for now `cutlassF` is not supported because: xFormers wasn't build with CUDA support Operator wasn't built - see `python -m` for more info `smallkF` is not supported because: xFormers wasn't build with CUDA support dtype=torch.float16 (supported: {torch.float32}) max(query.shape[-1] != value.shape[-1]) > 32 Operator wasn't built - see `python -m` for more info unsupported embed per head: 40
Time taken: 0.9 sec.

A: 2.41 GB, R: 2.93 GB, Sys: 3.1/14.749 GB

I ran the nightly SD then it appeared

Colab cell output

WARNING:xformers:WARNING[XFORMERS]: xFormers can't load C++/CUDA extensions. xFo

Which colab and model(s) were you using when the error occurred?


Which Public WebUI Colab URL were you using when the error occurred?

If you used HiRes mode when the error occurred, please provide the Hires info

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