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Allow reading of plain text #108

Open sfacets opened 10 years ago

sfacets commented 10 years ago

The bookmarklet currently doesn't allow for this. Even better would be able to read epub and mobi formats

vladholubiev commented 10 years ago

I think @sfacets talks about ability to read text from content-editable textboxes. I vote for this feature too.

chillingtouch commented 10 years ago

Yeah, please add this feature :8ball:

cameron commented 10 years ago

do you mean you can't read a txt file with it? if so, that's because a txt file can't run javascript, and the bookmarklet is javascript. it's possible the content extraction code is overcomplicated and fails to grab body text if that's all there is.

w/r/t epub and mobi, i don't read those often, so can you tell me how you read them? is it in a browser? in an app?

vladholubiev commented 10 years ago

I don't think that somebody often read epub in browser, don't bother with this. Instead you may pay attention to